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Hello wattpaders!!!

How are you all?

Everyone please welcome @bourbonvanilla to the board, the author of His at night. Please do check her work.


Your name and meaning?

My name's Patricia. It's Latin and it means "noble". 

Your penname and why did you choose it as your penname and does it has a meaning?

I don't have a penname, but people may know me as @bourbonvanilla from literally everywhere because it's @ I picked for fun just because I love bourbon vanilla and it has sticked

Describe yourself in one line? 


Your religion?

I'm Christian. 

Your nationality?


Date Of Birth?

March 5th.

Marital status?


Favorite food?


Favorite color?

Wine red and coral. 

Favorite place to go?

I don't have a specific one, I would like to see the whole world basically. 


Besides writing, reading. 

How did you discover wattpad?

Probably from an ad. I don't even remember. 

What motivate you to write?

I have so many things in my mind that I just have to get them out, so that's my motivation basically. 

How long have you been on wattpad?

Since 2013. 

What inspired you to write?

Books, basically. I always liked the idea of having my name in a book some day.

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

Of course I did. I did other things to clear my mind and regain inspiration such as listening to music, watching movies, going on walks... 

Have you ever prank someone before?,if yes tell us one.

I have not, I'm not really a prankster. 

Tell us your most embarrassed story.

I've had a lot of embarrassing moments in my life, but nothing particularly stands out to say it was 'the most' embarrassing. 

Why should reader read your book?

Because it's a different kind of romance, my books are not usually all fairy tale and they don't have unrealistic plot.

What's your ambition?

I want to be successful in my life, whether as a writer or as anything else. 

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