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Hi Wattpaders!!!

How are you all?.

Everyone please welcome YORUBOY the board. Please do check out his work :).


Your name and meaning?

* Adekolade; it's the Yoruba translation for "the crown brought home wealth"

Your penname and why did you choose it as your penname and does it has a meaning?

* Christopher Zolanski; Christopher is my self-given name and literally the only foreign name I have, the others are yoruba. Apart from Nicki Monaj being my human idol, Zolanski is from one of her many alter egos; Roman Zolanski, a demoniac and a gay man, which somehow relates to me on a whole other level. Not in the gay way but I feel I'm... different. Yeah yeah we all do anyways.

Describe yourself in one line?

I'm emphatic.

Your religion?


Your nationality?


Date Of Birth?

12th of May, 2001

Marital status?

Single and seriously searching (for love)

Favorite food?

Rice... anything cereal and starchy.

Favorite color?


Favorite place to go?

Library...cos it's weird but I'm in love and obsessed with my academics.


Eating, sleeping, complaining about writer's block

How did you discover wattpad?

A friend, the day after my birthday.

What motivate you to write?

Idk, I like being famous (on social media) and wanna let out some heavily pent up imagination.

How long have you been on wattpad?

Mehh 2016, took a year long hiatus and came back on 2017 fully ready to slay.

What inspired you to write?

You mean who and it's... nobody in fact. My conscience I guess.

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

Complaining all the frustration out and forcing myself to engage in a staring contest, mannequin challenge sometimes with my keyboard. Reading other books kinda gives me a boost.

Have you ever prank someone before?,if yes tell us one.

Umm... let's not

Tell us your most embarrassed story.

A friend of mine told me there was this hack mod app for Netflix. The bastard sent it to my through WhatsApp and i installed it while i was in the giant reading room of the school library packed with students; it turned out to be a virus that increases your volume to the highest, blares out moaning sex sounds while changing not just my wallpaper to porn but my ringtones to "fvcking sound"; my earphones were unplugged btw. I know right, cringe all you want.

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