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Hello Wattpaders!!!

Everyone please welcome nojamsbts  on board, please do check her work.

Let's start the interview without wasting more time 🤗.


Your name and meaning?

My name is Teà or at least that’s my nickname and what I go by because I prefer to remain anonymous as that gives me that lingering feeling of mystery that I love about some authors. There is no true meaning honestly, the letter T is in my first name, I love accent marks and I believe it suits me so there’s the lame origin to that.

Your penname and why did you choose it as your penname and does it has a meaning?

My penname is Nojamsbts and if you’re an army or if you’re an OG BTS stan, you’ll know where the phrase ‘you got no jams’ comes from. So I just kind of combined ‘no jams’ from that phrase and ‘BTS’ together to create my penname. No deep meaning, it just came to mind when I was making my account truthfully.

Describe yourself in one line?

Plain Jane with explosive dreams.

Your religion?

This may come as a surprise to my readers but I am in fact a Christian.

Marital status?

I have been married for 18 years to food with my side chick being books (shh, don’t tell him)

(🤣🤣🤣🤣, hilarious 😂 😂)

Favorite food?

Noodles or anything of the sort.

Favorite color?

Grey, black, white, and blue. Yes I have multiple favorites but I love grey the most.

Favorite place to go?

My bed, I’m a homebody.


Reading, writing, music listening, editing (photos/videos)

How did you discover wattpad?

I discovered this glorious app when I was in the sixth grade so when I was about 11, the year was 2009. My older sister introduced the app to me and I’ve been writing ever since then.

What motivate you to write?

I’m not even sure. I think I motivated myself to write. No one loves writing as much as I do in my family and I feel like I was born to write despite how cliche that sounds. I don’t know what I’d be doing right now if it wasn’t writing.

How long have you been on wattpad?

Ten years, wow I feel so damn old.

What inspired you to write?

Myself, the world around me, my imagination, the possibilities of what could be, the things I witness, the other amazing stories out there, movies, what has yet to be written, the happiness I feel whenever people enjoy the work that I put out! A lot inspires me.

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

Yes!! Jesus, writers block is the devil I am telling you right now. I haven’t been able to fight it. Writers block is the reason a lot of stories I have are left in my drafts, you don’t even want to know how many stories I have in the dungeon that I call my drafts. My story, ‘Greed’ is literally going to go to shit because my constant and prevailing writers block is weighing me down.

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