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Hello wattpaders!!!

Everyone please welcome Zernain on the board ,please do check her work:).

Your name and meaning?

My name is Zeba Ali and its meaning is ‘someone who gives beauty.’

Your penname and why did you choose it as your penname and does it has a meaning?

My penname is Zernain. It was another name that my mother gave me so I wanted to use it :D

Describe yourself in one line?

An introvert girl struggling to find the meaning of her life.

Your religion?

Islam :)

Your nationality?


Date Of Birth?

18th of December

Marital status?


Favorite food?

Anything :D

Favorite color?

Black is my all time favourite colour but I really have a soft corner for greens and yellows.    

Favorite place to go?

Home. :P


I have so many hobbies, reading, writing, drawing, painting, stone collecting, many more.

How did you discover wattpad?

I had written my first novel and was finding a place to submit it, so I found Wattpad.

What motivate you to write?

The support of my readers and their belief in me.

How long have you been on wattpad?

Five years and the journey has been beautiful.  Alhamdulillah.

What inspired you to write?

Anything creative. I get inspiration from anything if I try else I am too lazy :P

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

Yes, many times and my readers really know it better than me when they have to wait for the next chapter. I just give some to myself because I think writing is not forced process, it should come naturally to you.

Have you ever prank someone before?, if yes tell us one.

Nope. Though I have been pranked many times. ;) 

Tell us your most embarrassed story.

Ah, there are so many. Once I got stuck between the elevator’s doors in a restaurant because I was running away seeing one of my colleague. People were looking at me with shock while my family was laughing at me that was so embarrassing!

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