He's back

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After I tried to go to bed, to have a few minutes of sleep, I heard screams outside the tent and got up. I didn't remember the timeline and some scenes were starting to get blurry in my mind so it was really hard to figure out what was happening now. But when I heard the whispers about a space-ship that had fallen, I knew. I had to convince Clarke that her mom wasn't there, I had to help. But, as always, something got in the way. This time Clarke had already left and Bellamy didn't let me go and actually told some idiot with a gun not to let me or Octavia leave camp.

They had left for half an hour now and I still hadn't managed to get rid of the dude. And if I left camp now I'd get lost in the middle of the woods and wouldn't be much help. I was sitting near a tree, bored as hell, while Jasper bragged about how he had shot the grounders and Monty and Octavia rolled their eyes at him. A noise in the woods made everyone stop and most of them grab their guns.

"Wait, guys, it could be one of us!" I tried to warn them, I wasn't sure if it was Lincoln or maybe even Murphy.

They didn't listen to me and one of them started shooting.

"Are you stupid?" I asked him while passing by him.

A few of us started walking to the place where the movement had come from.

"Bellamy said you can't leave camp." Another guy said grabbing my arm.

"I'm not leaving camp, I'm just checking what that idiot shot. Now let me go." I pulled my arm away from him and followed Octavia.

As soon as I saw the silhouette I knew it was Murphy, but Octavia touched his shoulder and he got scared.

"Murphy?" Octavia asked.

He looked even worse in real life then I remembered in the show and part of me thought about running to help him, but I couldn't because of the virus, or whatever it was, the grounders had planted on him. It was breaking my heart to see him like that.

The guy that shot him and another dude went to grab him to pull him to the drop-ship.

"Wait! He was clearly tortured, probably by the grounders, we don't know what they did to him, he could be sick or something." I stepped in front of them.

They ignored him and I snapped.

"Okay, for once in your lifetime do the smart thing and hear me out, the grounders might use him against us so instead of touching him like the two dumb assholes you are, just point a gun at him or something and make him walk and quarantine him until we're sure he is okay."

Octavia looked at me, showing a small smile. The two idiots did what I told them. They made him get up and walk there, I felt terrible because Murphy looked like he could barely do so, but I was saving lives and he'd be okay.

I followed them to the place they left him on. Everyone gathered there and this time ignored my attempts to make them stay as far away as possible, like I was, near the walls.

Only two hours later Bellamy, Clarke, and Finn arrived.

"Where is he?" Bellamy asked as soon as he got in. "Everyone but Connor and Derek out... Now!"

Everyone started moving but I didn't so Bellamy looked at me.

"I'm not leaving."

"He claims he was with the Grounders." One of the said. "(Y/N) told us to quarantine him."

Clarke looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." The guy that shot Murphy, that now I knew was called Connor, said.

"I wasn't sneaking in. I was running from the grounders." Murphy answered.

"Anyone see Grounders?" Bellamy asked.

Connor denied and Bellamy raised his gun.

"Well in that case..."

Finn and I moved at the same time. Finn to put Bellamy's gun down and I to get closer to them.

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?" Finn asked.

"We were clear what would happen if he came back," Bellamy answered.

"No. If he was with the Grounders, then he knows things that can help us."

"I saw some Grounders." I lied, joining Finn in front of the gun. "They were near the trees and hide as soon as they saw us with the guns."

"I don't care. He is not going to help us. We banished him, and now we're gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way." Bellamy ignored our attempts to protect Murphy.

"No, they're right." Clarke joined us.

"Like hell they are. Clarke, think about Charlotte."

"If you had talked to him before going screaming in public and hang him maybe she could be alive," I answered.

"(Y/N)'s right. It's much more our fault." Clarke set next to him. "He's not lying. His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him."

"Clarke, wait. I asked them to quarantine him because the grounders might use them against us." I tried but she denied.

"If we kill him now we can avoid that." Bellamy held his gun tighter.

"We're not killing him." Finn and I spoke at the same time.

"The grounders know we're at war." Bellamy looked at us and then at Murphy. "What did you tell them about us?"

"Everything." Murphy's voice was barely a whisper.

Clarke got up and walked to Bellamy. "Once he's better, we find out what he knows, and then he's out of here, okay?"

"What if he refuses to leave? What do we do with him then?"

"Then we kill him." Clarke seemed determinate.

Finn looked at me and I shred my shoulders, still next to him.

"I'm not letting them kill him," I told him.

"Me neither."


Hello there! I hope you liked this chapter! I tried my best to make her talk more, that's what I've been doing for the last few chapters! Thank you to everyone who has been following this story and to every read, vote, and comment, you are all so nice! From now one I'll have more free time so I will (hopefully) post every week at least once (maybe twice, but I won't promise that). See you next week! 

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