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Deaton wasn't surprised to see Derek. He'd expected it in fact. Stiles coming into his powers and being fated as Derek's Emissary was bound to bring the alpha 'round with questions.

"Derek, what can I do for you?" Deaton asked with a soft smile. He could read Derek easily. The tension in his shoulders and the clench of his fists. The alpha was stressed.

"Stiles spoke to you earlier," Derek started, he glanced at the door as if he were worried someone would come in.

"He did," Deaton nodded before locking the entrance door and flipping the sign to closed. He could close shop a few minutes early if it put Derek at ease.

If it put the alpha at ease it didn't show. Derek remained stiff in posture as he spoke.

"So it's true," It wasn't posed as a question. Derek didn't think Stiles had been lying but hearing it from someone he could trust was comforting to Derek.

"It is," Deaton was curious as to how Derek had reacted to the news. He seemed calm despite the tension he wore.

Derek was silent. Too silent. He didn't even know how to ask what he wanted to know.

"You took it well I'm guessing?" Deaton continued when Derek didn't.

"Why wouldn't I? It doesn't affect me," Derek frowned at the druid.

Deaton clasped his hands behind him, "Does it not?"

"Why would it? If he even practices, he'll likely end up being Scott's emissary."

"Scott's not an alpha," Deaton pointed out simply.

"Not yet, but we got a pack of them on their way. It would only take one for Scott to turn," Derek gave a half shrug.

"Perhaps. I don't see Scott killing anyone though, he's too...forgiving," Deaton chose his words carefully.

"Naive, you mean," Derek corrected with a snort.

"I gather that you don't want Stiles as your emissary," Deaton continued, ignoring Derek's correction.

"I don't trust him."

"Don't you?"

Derek's jaw clenched at that. Deaton could read him. He'd known him since he was a baby.

"Not enough," Derek shook his head.

"Not yet, but give it time."

"You want him to be my emissary," Derek accused lightly. He should have suspected as much.

"It's not what I want that matters," Deaton gave the alpha a soft smile. He realized that Stiles maybe hadn't told him everything.

"Look, I just...I want to make sure Stiles isn't alone in this. I want to make sure he has someone," Derek gave a small huff. He should have known coming here was going to backfire.

"That someone not being you."

"He hasn't told Scott, I don't know when or if he will," Derek spoke through grit teeth.

"And yet he told you?" Deaton raised a curious brow.

Derek hadn't considered that. Why tell him and not Scott? "Maybe he's afraid Scott will think he's gonna join my pack."

"Or perhaps he's considering it," Deaton offered.

"No, he seems pretty spooked by the whole idea and he doesn't trust me either," Derek shook his head.

Deaton didn't respond.

"Look, I just need to know someone's got his back on this," Derek was growing irritated.

"For someone who doesn't care, you care an awful lot," Deaton pointed out gently.

"I know..." Derek trailed off, letting out a huff, "I know what it's like to be alone in this."

"But you're not alone, you have a pack."

"Yeah, and now they're lives are in danger because I didn't want to be alone. I drug them into this and now...I can't add anyone else to that," Derek shook his head hard. He was mad enough at himself.

"You're afraid of Stiles getting hurt, is that it?" Deaton asked curiously. He watched as Derek fought with the emotions he was feeling.

"I have enough blood on my hands, I don't want to add to that."

"Perhaps Stiles could be useful in this upcoming fight," Deaton splayed his hands open as if presenting the idea physically.

Derek shook his head. "I'm hoping that Deucalion doesn't know about Scott. If he's coming, I hope it's for me. But if Scott gets involved, he'll need Stiles more than me."

"The symbol was left in Stiles and Scott's lockers, I don't think they're exempt from this fight," Deaton spoke sadly. He knew of Deucalion, but it was not someone he was eager to meet.

Derek turned towards the door. He had hoped for better news from Deaton.

"You aren't going to tell me what you really came here for?" Deaton asked with a raised brow. He made no move to stop Derek from leaving.

Derek turned to give Deaton a questioning look.

"You forget, I know you Derek," Deaton smiled warmly.

Derek dropped his eyes.

"You're drawn to him, you want to know why," Deaton had sensed Derek's concern immediately upon his arrival. It was beyond just wanting Stiles to have someone.

"Is it because I'm an alpha and he's now..." Derek trailed off. He didn't want to be drawn to Stiles. He didn't want to drag anyone else into his shitty life. He felt bad enough for doing it to Boyd, Erica and Isaac. He'd been lonely after losing Laura and being rejected by Scott. He made a snap decision, he was coming to regret. He cared about his pack but he felt selfish every time he looked at them.

"Perhaps there is more to it than that."

"What do you mean?" Derek didn't like the sound of that.

"You believe in fate, yes?"

Derek rolled his eyes. He used to believe in fate. His mother always told him everything happened for a reason, that was before he lost everyone.

"No. Maybe once, but fate is just an excuse we use to rationalize the things we do," Derek unlocked the door then and left.

Deaton let out a sad sigh. He'd hoped Stiles could be the spark Derek needed in his life, in more ways than one, but it seemed Stiles was hesitant as much as Derek was. He was sure they'd come around, he just hoped it wasn't too late.

Derek slammed the door of his Camaro shut. He didn't know what he'd expected from Deaton. He was sure the druid wouldn't let Stiles flounder and that was all Derek needed to know, but of course he'd seen right through him. Derek was drawn to Stiles and he hated it, but he was sure it was just because he was an alpha and Stiles was a spark. Fate had nothing to do with it. And if it did, well fate was a bitch.

Secret still safe! Let me know what you think!😁😘

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