Preface: Rescue Me

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Do you ever feel so sad,
that your heart aches unbareably,
you break into tears
and you don't even know why.

Do you ever feel so lost
that you don't know where
you came from and
where you belong.

Do you ever feel so sick
that everytime you smile
it seems like you are giving life an
open invitation to come and
ruin the moment.

Do you ever feel so tired
that you just want to escape from this
world and go to live in a place
where no one knows your name
So you can start your life
all over again.

Do you ever feel so worthless
that if you died tomorrow you doubt
anyone will notice your absence
or grief upon your death.

Because this is exactly how I have been feeling for the past twelve years.

          The problem is not hiding my feelings
or failing to explain my feelings,
but it is to pretend to have no feelings
when in reality it is slowly killing me inside.

I cry away the pain at night
So that I can stay tough all day.

People say I'm heartless,
Peope say I'm cold,
But how do you expect me to show love
when no one has ever loved me
nor taught me how to love.

I am so sick of this shit.
The darkness is eating me up
And I just can't push this bitterness away.

I need some one to
Give me love,
Give me hope,
Give me a new reason to live.

I need someone to
rescue me
And save my dying soul.


This chapter depicts Jullian's emotions. The actual story is not in a poetic form.It will start next chapter onwards
This was just the preface. Don't judge the book by the preface 😁❣️

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