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My hands, Your hands,
Tied up like two ships,
Drifting weightless,
Waves try to break it,
I'll do anything to save it.....


I texted Nikko to meet me in my backyard. He replied that he was already standing outside waiting for me.

I looked out of the window. Nikko was standing between the fowers. He had the white shirt with lilies which I gave him. The sun was making his skin glow.

He looked beautiful.

He sure is an Angel.

I reached the backyard but Nikko was nowhere to be seen.

"Jullian" I turned around and saw Nikko. But he had bruises on his skin, a purple patch prominant around his eyes. Not only this, he was wearing my boxing gloves.

"I hate you." He said in a venomous tone.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I HATE YOU!" He shouted and started punching me in this face.
I was rolling on the ground, begging him to stop. But he didn't.
He said I deserve this.
Maybe I do.

THUD! A loud noise woke me up from the nightmare. I was moving too much in my nightmare and knocked down my alarm clock.

I reached to pick it up. 7:15. I better get ready for college.


I didn't see Nikko that day. Not even the next day or the day after. On asking Zara, I got to know that Nikko has been busy for the last few days and so he hasn't been sitting with us for lunch and hurries to the drama room as soon as the bell rings.

I wonder what keeps him so busy. So I decided to text him during lunch and ask.

I typed a simple "Hiii" and waited for his reply.

I waited for his reply throughout lunch, occasionally glanced at my phone during lectures to check if he replied. He hadn't.

School was soon over. I sat in the car ready to head home. I'll check the phone, one last time.
I opened his chat. Still no reply. What pissed me off futher was the line ' last seen twenty minutes ago' that appeared on the top of the screen. I threw my phone on the passenger seat in frustration.


Two messages from Nikko.
I was relieved when he sent a reply. But also angry that he sent it so late.

Nik🤩🌞: Heyy. Sorry to reply late. I was busy.

I was internally battling whether to reply him now or make him wait. I just decided to reply. See. I'm a good boy.

Me: Busy with ?

Nik🤩🌞: I took part in a musical drama .

Me: Cool. Your voice is really good.

Nik🤩🌞: Thanks.
Even when we where just chatting, I could see him blushing over the comment. A small smile grew on my lips.

Me: What are you doing right now.

Nik🤩🌞: Practising the drama.

Me:Good luck with your drama.

Nik🤩🌞:Thank you.

Me: Why don't you come during lunch tomorrow?

Nik🤩🌞: Like I said. I've been busy with drama practice.

Me: You should come.

I was going to type 'I miss your company' but decided against it.

Me: We miss your company.

Nik🤩🌞: Aww. I'll sit with you'll tomorrow.

Nik🤩🌞: Do you know where Zara lives? I mean of course you do. I need to hand her an assignment.

I looked up from the phone for a second to think the exact landmark. My eyes landedon two people sitting on a bench in the park. Nikko. He was sitting there with another girl. His eyes were glued to the mobile screen. He had his earphones on which he was sharing with other girl who was reading a book. Is this his fucking drama practice???

I turned of my phone and drove away.

     Reaching home, I layed down on my bed with my dog Mellow on my side. Mellow sensed my sadness and cuddled into me, licking my cheeck.

"Hey buddy, guess you're the only one that loves me." I said patting Mellow's head.

I spent a sleepless night again thinking about one thing in particular-
What was the need to lie?

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