3: Love Will Save You

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Don't leave me here in the dark,
Where it's hard to see.
Show me your heart
Shed a light on me.....


            Connor and I were standing near the college's office. Apparently we had come here to enroll our names for the college's football team. Connor was talking some bullshit but I wasn't paying attention to him. I was busy thinking about..... you already know who.

I don't see Nikko a lot around on the college campus. He is in none of my classes. But yeah Zara and Nikko are in the same class for English literature. Today morning Zara was speaking how Nikko is the star student. He is smart and cute and friendly with everyone.

          Everytime I hear something about Nikko, I think about my mom. He is just like her. Most of the people I meet are selfish or egoistic or boring or greedy or negative. But Nikko is different. Only thinking about him makes me so happy.

I badly want to spend time with him but a part of me wants to stay away from him. What if he is just like the other people?

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone singing my mother's song Love will save you. I thought it was just my brain but then Connor turned to me and said, "Bro, Lets go there. Isn't this your mom's song?"

As we got near to the voice, I found myself swaying along with the beats. My mind went blank and my heart was beating wildly. Mom. I miss her so much. I knew I was going to cry but the singer's voice was so soothing and melodious that I felt happy and free for the first time in a while.

This song was one of my mom's best song. She had written it when she was pregnant with me. I have a photoframe in my room which has the photo of my mom ,seven months pregnant with a Grammy in her hand, which she recieved for this song.

We reached near the stage and my heart fluttered at the scene.

Nikko was on the stage.

His eyes were closed and he was gracefully singing this lovely song-
"When pain is running
wild in your veins,
When your golden soul
is about to break
Come to me Darling
My Love Will Save You..."

His eyes fluttered open the moment he completed singing the song. A huge grin came to his face as he heard the crowd cheering.

Connor pulled me by my hoodie and lead me towards Nikkō. The moment I saw him the words came flowing out of my mouth-
"You sang beautifully, just like...."

"Just like what?" Nikko inquired.

I gathered the courage and spoke those three painfully precious letters, "Mom."

Tears pricked at the of my eyes asking me to allow them to escape. Connor sensed it and put an arm around my shoulders.

"That's so nice! Your mom used to sing this song for you?"Nikko asked.

"Yeah...." There was so much more I wanted to say but I choked on my own words. I wanted to tell him how he reminded me of mom in many different ways. I wanted to tell him that he is too good for the world. But I just settled for a 'yeah'

Tears were starting to form at the back of my eyes. I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible but before I could do anything a girl came up to us and started speaking
"Hi Nikko . Your voice is amazing. Jullian and you should definitely collab on this song. I'm sure Jullian has a pretty good voice because of his mom's genetics."

"Your mom seems to be quite famous here" Nikko said turnig towards me.

But before I could say anything, the girl cut me off, "Who doesn't know his mom. After all she is the great Lauren Walcott."

Nikko's eyes widened with surprise. "Does this mean you are Jullian Walcott. I'm sorry I never got to ask you your name."

Everything is ruined. Even Nikko would misunderstand me to be a millionare's spoilt arrogant son.

Thankfully he didn't.

Nikko slowly took my hand in his and gave me a hug. I felt so alive in his arms. I badly wanted to hug him back. But I didn't.

"Hey, it's okay. We know you love her and miss her a lot. We all lose someone we love. I have a feeling that you are just like her. Sweet, strong and brave. And about the collab thing, we should surely do that."Nikko said. His arms still wrapped around me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and mumbled a 'thank you'

Common Jullian just say it. It's just three words.
So I did.

"Be my friend?"I asked him.

Nikko's face instantly lit up and he screamed "YESSSS!!!!".

He hugged me tighter and I hugged him back with the same force.

In that moment I knew that things were finally going to be better.

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