5: Game On

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They told me that to make him fall in love,
I had to make him laugh.
But everytime he laughs,
I'm the one who falls in love....


      Dear Nikko, I'm coming for you.
This guy has invaded my mind and heart and now it's time for some revenge.
The game is on.....


"Hey loverboy, whom are these flowers for?" Zara asked as I entered the college with a bunch of lilies.

"Hey, you know where Nikko's locker is right?" I asked.

"Yes. But you didn't answer my question. Why flowers?"

"For Nikko. Now tell me his locker number."

"324. Lets go get your man."

I gave her a deadly glare, "First of all, he is not 'my man' and second you are not coming with me."

Before she could protest, I ran off to find Nikko. Nikko was standing near his locker when I approached him. He gave me his signature smile. That goddamn smile.

"Hey Nik. Well..... I'm really sorry for yesterday. I was very rude to you. Trust me it was unintentional. I would never hurt someone as precious as you."
What the hell. I didn't mean to say this. All I was going to say was a simple sorry but as soon as I stood in front of him, the words poured out from my mouth.
"So yeah...... I'm sorry!" I ended my apology before my stupid brain would ditch me again.

"It's okay Jullian. You didn't have to do all this but anyways thank you for the flowers. I love lillies." He said as he took the flowers from my hand and took a wiff. He had a content smile on his face as he held the flowers to his chest.

"I wish I was a flower. I would be so beautiful. And I would have the capabilty to make everyone smile." He said.

"You already are beautiful. And you always make me smile." I said, my voice softer than usual.

      Nikko blushed and gave me a wide smile which made my insides turn to mush.

I signed before speaking again, "Would you like to sit with me during lunch today? I really like spending time with you but since we don't have any lectures together it becomes difficult to meet up."

Before Nikko could say anything, Zara shouted from behind me, "YAYY NIKKO IS GOING TO HAVE LUNCH WITH US. And that is final." This bitch!

Nikko just smiled and said "ok"

"Okay then see ya" I said and gave him a wink. Nikko's face turned pink.
And I was clearly enjoying the view.

Does Nikko really like me? Everything is working according to the plan and I will soon find out the truth.


        The lunch bell rang and I literally jumped out of the classroom. Here I come Nikko darling.

"Mr.Walcott where are you going? Didn't anyone tell you that it's bad manners to leave the class before the teacher. Now as a punishment wait till the whole class leaves." The professor said in an angry tone.

Why do bad things happen with me!?

When I finally reached for lunch, I scanned the room carefully, looking for Nikko. He was sitting with Zara beside him and Connor opposite to him. One chair was empty beside Connor which I believe was for me.
No! I need to sit beside Nikko if I want to seduce him. Wait did I just say seduce!? I need to eat something before my mind completely stops working.

I took a tray and filled it with a tuna sandwith, salad and also bought two cans of lemonade for Nikko and me.

I reached my table and stood behind Zara and Nikko to catch Connor's attention. I motioned him to call Zara on his side of the table as I wanted to sit besides Nikko. Connor eyed me suspisiously but did as I said.
"Hey Zara can you please come and sit here beside me. I need to show you something."

"Connor can't it wait. Nikko is sitting with us for the first time. Can we talk with him instead." I always knew this girl is a big bitch. I need to do something.

"Well you can talk with Connor. Don't worry, I will keep Nikko company." I said while approaching them.

"Jullian what took you so long." Zara asked.

"Sorry I got stuck up with some work."

      Zara got up and sat on the opposite side and I took a seat next to Nikko , intentionally pulling my chair closer to his such that our knees where touching.

I felt electricity run through my body the moment my skin touched his. I turned to see if I had a similiar effect on Nikko.

Currently he had a small smile on his face and his cheeks where red. I just hope that's because of me.

"Hey Nikko, here I got you lemonade." I said while handing him his drink. Our fingers brushed against each other and Nikko's cheeks deepened the red colour.
"T-thanks Jullian." He said while blushing.
Now time for some teasing.

"You're welcome."
I went ahead and put one of my hands on his thighs before saying, "What are friends for."

He had worn shorts so his skin came in direct contact with mine giving me a tingling sensation in my stomach. His skin is so soft. I just wanna strip off his clothes and hold his body close to mine. SHUT UP JULLIAN. STOP THINKING WIERD THINGS.
My mind is definitely playing games with me.

His face had become crimson red at my gesture and there were goosebumps on his arms and legs. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

"Hey Nikko are you alright? Are you not feeling well? I mean your face has become red and you have goosebumps. Are you burning? Or are you cold?" I said while internally smiling at the effect I had on him.

" Uh... uh.... n-no. I-I-I am f-fine." Aww he is just adorable, isn't he?

"Okay if you say so" I said while going back to eating my lunch kept untouched in front of me.
Maybe he likes me. Maybe he doesn't . I think he does. I hope he does.
It's time to take things a level ahead. I need to be sure about his feelings for me.

"Do want a bite?" I said as I extended my spoon towards him.
He went to take the spoon from my hand but I brought it to his mouth and fed him the salad.

He blushed harder—if that is even possible before saying thank you.

    "Hey Nikko..." I whispered in his ear such that Zara and Connor wouldn't hear me, "Do you want to come over to my place tomorrow after school. You know to hang out.".......... "Just you and me."

He turned to me and gulped at the last four words, he was cherry red at this point.

" Umm.... okay"



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