11: Missing

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"So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river,
I'll be there for you....
When you're screaming
but they only hear you whisper,
I'll be loud for you.....
But you gotta be there for me too...."


   Someone cleared his throat behind me. I turned around to find none other than my Dad.

What shocked me even further was the fact that his eyes were red and glossy. Had he been crying?

He pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Jullian Theodore Walcott! What do you think gives you the right to dissappear just like that without informing me? Where is your phone? I tried calling a million times. I called Raphael and he said you left the institute an hour ago. Do you know how worried I was for you." Dad said angrily.

I could see the shocked faces of everyone around. People knew my dad as the famous actor Noah Walcott. They were shocked to see this side of him.
I smirked a little looking at them.

"I was fucking anxious and you find this amusing?" Dad questioned.

"No. It's just- I'm sorry dad."

"You better be! You are grounded for the rest of the week."


The officers started inquiring Zara, Nikko and me about the incident.

Apparently Nikko wanted to clear his mind. So Zara took him for a long drive. But unfortunately they were stopped and robbed by the goons.

We retrieved all stolen items from the thieves. And started making our way to Zara's car since mine was punctured .

We sat in the car in silence before dad took my hand and kissed it.

"I was so worried about you Jules. What scared me more was that your phone location showed that you where in the hills. I was scared you'd do something stupid since tomorrow......"

Realization struck me. Hard enough that my eyes started to water.

The day that changed my life.
The day I lost a part of me.
The day my Mother was murdered.

My parents and I had come for a picnic in the hills. Dad and I were playing football. Mom sat by the tree making sandwiches and singing. Dad and I went out of sight to search for the ball. We heard a shrill scream. When we came back, Mom as laying on the grass. A knife was stabbed through her heart.

I still remember the look in her eyes.
I still remember her loud scream.
I still remember the murders' words. She is too good for this world. Let her live in the heavens with angels like her.

All my mom ever did was file a complain against a don when she got to know that the guy had been harrassing women and doing some serious illegal slave trading.
Mom thought she was powerful enough. Didn't know he had more power.

"Jules." Dad said, "Do you hear me? Never do this again."

When I was eight, I ran away the night before my mom's second death anniversary. I went to the hills, to the spot where she was murdered. I stayed there for almost three days before the police found me. Not only this but I even tried to take my life.


"Dad, I love you. And I would never do that again."

"I love you too son. You mean the world to me."

Suddenly the mood lightened when Zara turned on the radio and we all started singing to The Beatles.

Dad and Nikko were discussing about japanese culture since dad's next movie was going to be shot in Tokyo.


Later that night dad came to my room and we cuddled while sleeping.

"You know Jullian......" Dad said, half asleep, "Nikko is a nice guy. He is very sweet and he cares about you. You should have seen the worried look on his face when you zoned out in the car.....Promise me you won't hurt him."

"I'll never hurt him again." I promised back.

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