Chapter 1: Time After

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The day is sunny, with some cloudy skies. Birds are chirping as the early morning arrives on cue, with the sun shining brightly on our heros, or should I say hero and heroine. A green hand laid on top of a gray pale hand, still as the time around them. The two Titans have been spending alot of time with each other over the past six months ever since their encounter in Raven's room. Needless to say, they have been having those encounters on a regular basis. It's gotten loud sometimes to the point where Robin and Starfire can hear them. Robin gets a bit jealous, mainly because he feels that he isn't slanging it as well as Beastboy can. Raven allowed her hair to grow out past her shoulders. She no longer keeps herself from expressing emotions and deep thoughts. Her glow has became more obvious over the past several months. You can say that she is in a happy place with the Changeling, who himself also has a glow to him. His anxiety has been dramatically reduced since he was in Raven's room. He's more Gar than he is Beastboy. He has allowed himself to touch deep within his soul for healing. The attitudes that he have towards life are different now. He has seen that living is more important than living by a concept of how life should be.

"....(Yawns)...(Looks down at Rae)...Morning Sunshine" He said tiredly. She didn't even budge and kept sleeping like he wasn't even there. Beastboy, who thought she looked beautiful when she slept, ran the back of his index finger across her cheeks. He then proceeds to scan the rest of her body and was beyond fascinated. He loved her curves and her soft skin, her hair as well, which matched her eyes. To see the room with sunlight in places was the bonus part of it all. It felt like he had everything that he desired.

Suddenly, a dark glow consumed the water bottle across the room. Beastboy's eyes lit up in fear because this never happened before. Usually if she is thirsty, she will get out the bed to go get a sip of water from the kitchen. This time around she kept a water bottle on the dresser to make it more convenient for her. The bottle begin to move as the her hand rose in the air like she was a zombie, bringing herself the water bottle at a moderate pace as Beastboy is freaking out. He is worried that she might scold him for running the back of his finger on her face. As soon as she got the bottle, she slowly sat up to say "Morning Gar" with a light smile. He looked back at her with an uneasy face. "Gar, is there something wrong? Why are you looking at me like that??" She said. 

He opened his mouth to answer her back, but she stopped him in mid-sequence saying "Wait. I know what it is. You were freaked out by the bottle floating towards me. I could see why you would be freaked out. Also, I'm not going to scold you for running your finger on my cheek babe. I'm not like that anymore. I appreciate you, really I do Gar. I actually like that. Keep doing it love." All Beastboy could say was "Okay Rae." She gave him a kiss on the lips and hugged on him, eventually putting her body weight on him so that he would fall back and cuddle with her. "Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we never made this happened Gar?" She asked. "Well I know that I'd be dating someone right now, but I also know that I'd say to myself that I've let you slip away through the cracks. I doubt if I would be having as much fun with someone else as I'm having with you Rae. You have your moments, but we end up having wonderful times anyhow" He answered. Raven gave a big smile to him and lightly punched his shoulder. "Gar, you know better than to make me smile like that (Slight laughter), but that's sweet. I know that I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now. Especially if I was dating a dude who was a legit asshole. He'd probably would have never been heard from again. Probably would have ended up somewhere in a another dimension." Beastboy immediately got chills from that response and said slightly anxiously "Well good thing that I am not that dude." He then laughs it off to lighten up the mood. Raven looks at him, knowing what he is feeling and apologizes to him. "I'm sorry Beastboy, I didn't mean to make you feel a bit nervous." He replied with "It's okay Babe. It's more of the fear of it versus you slightly scaring me. I'll just think of it as nothing and move on. Besides, I have a feeling that we are going to be okay." Immediately, after he said that, A voice echos his head saying "It's tiiiimmmee! She's not worth your tiiiimmmee! I am! I was your first! And will be your last! Ditch her or I will find you, and it won't be pretty! It's will be hilarious! HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!" Beastboy looked around the room, wondering if his mind is playing tricks on him or if somebody is inside his head. He gets out the bed frantically and looks around the room, investigating whether he's going crazy or somebody planted a bug in Raven's Room. "Gar, is there some wrong?" Raven asked.

He looks at her and ask "Did you hear that Rae?!" She looked at him very confused and replies "No Gar. Heard what? He tells her "Yea, I'm hearing things babe. It sounds like Terra, but she doesn't sound normal. She laughs like she has really bad issues and her soul is gone. Like she's possessed. Raven looked at him confused."How can that be? She's a school girl now. She doesn't even remember you at all" Raven said. "I don't know either, but I need to make this aware to the team just in case something happens" He stated firmly. "Let's go Raven. Help me find the others." They quickly got their clothes on and ran out of the door, looking for their comrades.

Beastboy x Raven: Lovers in Sync Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now