Chapter 3: Let's Play A Game ( Part 2)

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For the next two hours, Beastboy and Raven just sat there, holding each other. Neither one of them not wanting to move. The comfortable silence between and around them was a release of tension, not with each other, but within each other. Raven had seen many things, but the one thing she hasn't had was a silent night with someone. Candles were quickly doused with magic powers from the half-demon. It seems that her powers has its own mind when it comes to Raven. It simply just do as she is flowing in the moment. It acts like a protective layer when she summons it on command.

Beastboy looks at her, watching her powers work on its own. "This is dope. Her powers has a mind of its own. It's like she has became one with her powers" He thought. Raven lays there, not even caring if the rest of the world knew about them. She is comfortable and sound, thinking about the evitable that's yet to come. Her face turns red as a cherry as her heart races slightly. "As much as I love you Gar, I fucking hate how you turn me on without even trying" She thought to herself. She buries her face into his chest, hiding her blush. Beastboy notices her with red cheeks and like a predator, he makes his move. "Rae, are you okay? I see you face is a bit red" He asked. Feeling that he has caught on to her from their telekinetic bond, she tries to lie by saying monotonically "Yes. I'm fine Gar. It's nothing." He looks at her with a slight mischievous smirk and say "Rae, come on. You can talk to me. I'm your guy. (Kisses forehead) What is really the problem? (Kisses the back of her neck)"

At this point, Raven is not only getting hot and bothered, she is starting to loss control of herself, slowly melting into his charm. Beastboy knew this, but this would be to easy for him. Instead, he had an idea. "Lets make her work for it. We can play Uno and the first one out the game will not only kiss and lick their partner first, but will massage their partner as well" He thought to himself. She said to him with red cheeks "You're going down!" Beastboy looked at her, surprised by how she is so willing to win against him.

Hours passed into the night as the team wind down to relax. Star and Robin lounge on the couch watching a movie together while Cyborg and Bumblebee are in Cyborg's Room playing Blackjack and Spades for the next one to pick a date. Romance is in the air throughout the house as each couple getting more intimate with each other. As for Raven and Beastboy, They are in Beastboy's Room, playing the game "UNO." Both of them look at their cards intensively, trying to outwit each other.  "What's wrong Rae? You getting a bit nervous there?" He said. She looks at him, smiles mischievously and responds with "Yes. I am bit nervous actually. Nervous that you're gonna have to draw four!" She slaps down a draw four onto the pile, which Beastboy looks at her with a stern look. "Is the 'Beast' getting cranky wanky alweady?" Raven asked mockingly.

He looked at her for a second and smiled mischievously. He pulled out a draw four of his own and slapped down on top of hers. "Nah babe, Just like Yu-Gi-Oh's opponents, you fell right into my trap" He replied. She looked at him trying to gauge him, to figure out if he was either serious or bluffing. Beastboy has two cards left while Raven only has one left. Within seconds, she pulled out the only draw four from her hand and slammed it down into the pile, taking a presumably calculated risk. Beastboy looked at her, laughing to himself. "What's so funny Gar?! You can't take that you lost?!" She said competitively. He looked at her again, with a slight smirk, throwing down a wild draw four and calling UNO. "Nah, I'm laughing at you, because the color is red and I'm UNO out!" He replied.

Raven's face went poker instantly. She thought that she had won that game despite Beastboy having two cards left. Her eyes literally went red from losing a game of UNO while watching Beastboy celebrate his victory. "YOU GOT VERY LUCKY GAR! NEXT TIME WE PLAY, YOU WILL LOSE! OR SO HELP ME, I WILL SE.." She said as she was interrupted by Beastboy's kiss. Her eye went back to her normal pupils within seconds during and after the kiss. As her eyes turned back, she looked so surprised. She wasn't expecting Beastboy to calmly kiss her without any discernment of danger in front of him. She expecting him to run away and flee like he always have since this is the first time she snapped in a very long time. ".....You were not afraid, were you? I could've sent you to another dimension, but you didn't care, did you?" She said curiously. Beastboy lays back while looking at her, getting comfortable on the bed. Being calm and confident, He responded "Raven, it's hard to be scared of something that I love and know. I've been threatened by you many times and I would run only because I saw you for what you were on the outside. Before you told me about your mom, I didn't really understand why you were so stoic and mean. Now, since I understand you, I have no reason to be scared of you. Now since I know you Rae, what is there to be scared of? No red eyes nor threat to send me to another dimension will stifle me. You're my girl Rae, I can not love what I scared of nor can I not love what doesn't scare me.  

Raven's cheeks blushed red as she looked away suddenly, not wanting Beastboy to see her face. "Well that was sweet. So I guess I don't intimidate you, huh?" She asked. He pulled her into him and said "No, you don't. But, I know one thing you do though." She looks at him, waiting for him to say what he was going to say. The anticipation was so much for her as she was eagerly waiting for a syllable to drop from his mouth. "You have my back, you help when I need it and motivate me when I am down on my luck. That's more than anybody could ask for. You're definitely way better than my previous girlfriends. Some of them use to make fun of me for being sensitive or make fun of me because I don't do the manly things that they think I should" He continued. Raven looks at him surprised and asked "Really? That's why you would come home sad each time you left from being with them?"

"Yea. That's definitely was the reason. I wasn't going to take that just to have somebody in my life. Even though, I would come home feeling like shit many days. A better question, how did you even know I was feeling that way?? I didn't even come in through the front" he asked. As soon he asked that, Raven realized that she told on herself. Somehow she needed to play it off, so she said "I was uhhh...walking through and I would hear you late at night when I came from the kitchen." Beastboy with a inquisitive face asked "Why were you coming from the kitchen at 12 - 2 every night when you don't snack in the middle of the night that often anyway?" Raven had nothing else to say but the truth. Her face blushed again and she looked at him with folded arms. "Okay Beastboy, Yes. I would listen to you every night you got home. I was jealous of those girls because I wanted you to be mine. However, instead of listening to you being happy, I heard sorrow and regret come from your voice. It was like someone keeping reopening the wound constantly and I was hating that for you. Even though I know I didn't date around as much, I felt that despite me being hateful and mean to you in the early years. I thought I could be somebody that you'd enjoy" She told him, feeling guilty. He quickly grabbed her hand, trying to sooth her soul with some comfort. He rubs the top of her hands with his thumb and said "Well it's a good thing that somebody listened. Thanks for keeping an ear out Babe" He told her as he pulls her in with his other hand to embrace her.

Beastboy x Raven: Lovers in Sync Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now