Chapter 5: We Are One Family

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Another morning arrives on cue with Gar and Raven slumbering together. After their episode, they relaxed. Well, Gar relaxed more than anything. Raven was past relaxed at this point. She could not do much for a hour and afterwards, she was still very limp. She couldn't go to sleep but she could just lay there and feel no stress. Gar was getting tired after a hour, so he laid on top of her right shoulder and went to sleep with his shorts on. Raven, in her Sun Tzu t-shirt and black thong, wrapped him up and waited for a while to go to sleep. She eventually did, holding his head with her legs on top of him.

The sun was beaming through the window, waking up Raven. Beastboy was still out like a light, lightly snoring his morning away. Raven barely wakes up before him, so she enjoys laying there with him on her.

They lay there for a hour, with Gar acting more like an affectionate teenager in his sleep. He could not help himself. He was all over her like ants on a candy bar. Each time she would move, he would be on her, putting his arms on her and pushing his body into hers. Raven blushed and was getting slightly annoyed only because this is something that has never happened while she was with him. She always slept by herself, so having another body in the same bed with her is a learning curve. As she got comfortable, she started to hear a faint female voice saying "You belong to me, Beastboy. She has nothing to do with us. You're mine. (Hysterical Laughter)

Raven looked around the room for the source of what she's hearing. As she is looking, it gets louder and louder. She can now hear what Beastboy heard yesterday morning. She believes he wasn't kidding about it. To Raven, it sounds like a psychotic Terra who soul is lost with a voice that's creepy. She wakes up Gar in a slight panic, with him freaking out some. "Raven! What's going on?! Why did you wake up?! She looked at him with a straight face and said "I, too, hear Terra as well. She doesn't sound like she has all her marbles." Beastboy, looking surprised, grabs her shoulders and said with a assertive tone. I don't know what's going on, but I'm not having it. Now you hear as well? Something is up and we needed to figure it out.

They get their clothes on to rush down to find their team. As they burst through the door and out to the hallway, they start to see the walls painted with what looks to be words written in blood. They slow down to read the letters on the wall. "Joker Card Has Been Played" They read out aloud. As they read it, something else followed it that give Raven a chill. It was a Bloody smile that is similar to the Joker's. Raven took a step back from the wall. It was too much for her to take in as she saw her team laid out on the floor, stabbed and killed in a pile. "What's wrong Raven?! Not afraid of the darkness, are you?!" She heard as she turned around to see Terra with a Joker Smile on top of throat-slit Beastboy. She hysterically laughed , terrifying Raven to no end.

Suddenly, she hears her name being called repeatedly in the hall. "Raven! Raven! Raven! Wake Up! Rae!! Wake Up!" Her eyes shoot open and she sits up frantically. Her forehead is sweating and her heart rate is up. She looks around to see that she's in the Tower's treatment room. "What's going here?" She asked confusingly out of fear. "You've been out for at least two days. Your powers begin to tear the house apart as if it had a mind of it's own so we put you in a room that dampened your powers. Nobody could wake you up until now. You were dreaming about something, your heart rate was hitting 130 tops." Cyborg answered. She looked at Cyborg, a bit scared. "I had this dream where Terra has came back and she had this creepy but freaky smile. A smile like the Joker. All of y'all were in a pile dead, except for Gar. His throat was slit front of me. One of the walls in the hallway said "The Joker Card Has Been Played" with a Joker Smile beside it. It looked like all of it was in blood." Cyborg jaw dropped from what he heard. He is starting to feel a bit fearful, hoping that what he thinking isn't true. His last encounter with The Batman Who Laughs spooked him up pretty bad, especially since the The Batman Who Laughs tried to separate the mother-box from him. "I think Terra has been revived by The Batman Who Laughs" Raven stated to the team. Cyborg walks backwards from the group, in shock. He thought it was over when the Joker from another universe defeated Him.

He looks at the team with fear and said "Yall, we are going to be in some deep shit soon. If Terra is going to be like this, then we got to be prepared for her. We are going to have to end her." Robin looks at Cyborg with a curious, but hesitant look and asked "You mean, we are going to have to do the unthinkable?" Cyborg nods his head with no hesitation. The whole knew what that meant. The team is built on putting criminals back in jail instead of ending them. In this case however, Terra would have to be completely merged with the Joker Toxin. It wouldn't be enough time to get her a antidote nor keep her alive because she was already dead. Gar looks at the team and with a killer tone he said "Well, it is what it is. Somebody is going to have to die. Rather it be her than it be me. We will get this done, one way or the other. She is going down." Raven looks at him with a chill and asks "What's gotten into you, Gar? Where is all this coming from?" He replied "She isn't Terra. This is a physical incarnation of a person who was once Terra. This Terra here, she's bullshit. She's not here in the soul. She's only a zombie version of her old self. She has got to die." He gets up to walk away from the team to head into the hallway, fuming with hatred for this version of Terra. 

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