Chapter 2: Let's Play A Game

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"Wait. Let me get this straight. You're telling me that you're hearing voices and these voices sound like Terra, but not her usual voice?" Robin asked. "Pretty much dude. She sounds really insane and psychotic, like she needs to be in an asylum" He replied. "Well Grass stain, let's hook you up and see if you have anything in your system just to make sure" Cyborg stated.

[Beastboy's POV]
Cyborg had made some adjustments with his life, turning his body into a more functional being. Ever since he had the upgrade to Cyborg 1 million a while back, he has being making himself more functional as a cybernetic human than a Cyborg. He actually has more human in the other half of his body. That part I don't know how he made that happen. Also, not to mention, he is dating bumblebee and their relationship is awesome. He always knew that he wanted her, he just had to find out how to get her. As far as Robin and Starfire, you know. They are still a thing. They are probably happier than ever. I feel that after the nights of me and Raven having "couple time", he gets a bit standoff-ish. Star tells me that he's in competition with me when it comes to being the man in the bedroom. That he want to be the loudest one, and honestly I think he still is mainly due to Starfire not being able to stand for hours. At least Raven can get up after 2 hours. He needs to pipe down, no pun intended, but anywho.

"Alright Grass Stain, put these on you. We are going to run the scanners. Raven, did you hear anything while this was happening?" He asked. "No. It was only him that heard it" She replied. Cyborg runs the scanners and surprisingly detects nothing major in his system. However, it does detect something in his brain that looks like very tiny specks. "Well BB, it's not alot but there are tiny specks in your brain. I'm not able to recognize them off the bat, but I will figure them out soon" Cyborg said. "Tiny Specks?! Where could have they come from??" He asked himself. "Friend, you're not worried about this?" Starfire asked. " Nah Starfire, I'm fine. As a hero, you can't prevent everything. More so, You gotta prepared for it. When the time comes, you can't be an enemy to yourself. The emotions will cloud my judgement if I let them consume me. I'm not defeated until I convince myself that I am, Star" He replied. His speech was humbling, but fierce. It had Robin speechless, wondering where he got all that passion from. He's not use to Beastboy speaking this deeply and profoundly about life.

Robin looked at him with much respect and surprise, unbeknownst to him the development of Beastboy's character. "He has done some growing ever since the incident with Slade and Raven that led him spiraling down in a deep depression. He contemplated killing himself several times, it's no wonder that he is still here. I know that it's not his fault, but still. It takes a robust person to stand through that much pain to be in a good place. I can only be proud" Robin thought to himself. The team spent several minutes more together before they dispersed into their own world amongst the tower.

6 hours later....

"Hey Beastboy. You got any plans tonight?" Raven asked him while they were watching "Chicago PD" in his room, which is nicely cleaned. "Nah babe, I'm not doing anything. Just chilling here. What's up?" He replied. "Well there is something I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time, but I just haven't gotten to it. I feel that tonight is the right night for it and it's something that I haven't told anyone" She said. Looking puzzled, Beastboy sat as comfortable as possible in the bed, wondering if what she is going to say is a bad or good thing. Raven got up to light the candles that they got from the mall, giving the scene a more relaxed feel. She turned out the room light and TV, now just leaving the candles and moonlight to brighten the room. She begin to levitate in Indian-style front of him, signaling that she is really comfortable with him.

She begin to touch his thigh and ask "You ready babe?" He nodded with some nervousness. "Now before I tell you this, I want to let you know that it's nothing bad, but it's a bit sad" She said. She could feel him relaxing a bit more now, proceeding to tell the story.

"You know, I would always talk about my father to you after we fought him, but I never told you about my mother and how she died when I was younger" She said as her voice begin to fill with hurt. A tear ran down her right eye as she begins to talk. "Well my mom was a wonderful person. She was the person that taught me meditation and how to keep a stoic attitude before I got into philosophy. I loved her words of wisdom as they seemed to always make sense. However, I didn't embrace them as much as I could have due to the fear of the prophecy that was bestowed upon me from birth. I felt that life was not worth it when I learned about it. I said to my self, 'What's the use of her wisdom if I'm going to die early as a pawn for my father?' So I keep to myself and never allowed myself to feel for anyone else. As for her death, she was burned alive by my father. Right in front of me before our world was perished." Raven begins to cry even harder now, making herself unable to finish her story. Beastboy pulled her in as she floated towards him. He embraced her, watching her glide into his lap. There was nothing that he could do for her except be there. For he too knows what it's like to lose parents.

Beastboy x Raven: Lovers in Sync Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now