Chapter 9: Which Way Is It Gonna Be?

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Titans were on the move, traveling by air and ground. The girls flew overheard as the guys drove their rides on the ground floor in search of Beastboy. They were following Raven mostly. She was able to link to him telepathically. At the same time, she is also talking to him, pushing him to fight it off and informing him that they were on their way there. She would keep him sane at different times, making it easier for him to fight this off. Sometimes, she would get this eerie voice from Gar telling her she wasting her time and effort. This messed with her head, but she remained cool and kept pushing toward his location.

"Raven, what's going with him? Can you he talk?" Robin ask while avoiding cars in the city. She replied "Yes. He's responding to me. He's not saying much, but he's still got some fight left in him. I can tell the virus is getting worse. We need to get there fast." Robin spoke to everybody "Alright Team, Let's pick up the pace. Move!" Everybody hit their afterburners on command and zoomed. The Titans were determined to get their teammate back as they raced towards his location. "Rae, thank you for everything. This thing in my brain is trying to take over me. And Terra is actually alive in the flesh. She's not zombified, but she sold her soul to extract revenge on us. She is worse than we imagined."
"Has she hurt you Gar?" 
"Yea Rae, I'm pretty bruised up over here." Ravens red ring around her eyes thicken as she feels the anger from his statement. She tells him "Don't worry, we are almost there. Keep fighting Gar. I love you." The Titans, within a few minutes, reach their destination out of jump city. It's an abandoned warehouse surrounded by trees and boulders.

Star and Raven lower to the ground as the guys leave their rides to meet up together. Not long, eveybody noticed Raven's eyes. "Raven, the ring around your eye has gotten thicker" Said Star. Raven looked her and said "Yea, this is what happens when your lover is getting tortured by a evil bitch." Raven proceeds to walk to the doors of the warehouse. Cyborg, Star and Robin looked at each other for a sec and shrugged their shoulders. They walked in, looking around at the rusty machines and broken pieces of glass and metal. "Why would he be here? In this place? Robin asked. The team split up to search for their missing teammate. Robin and Star split up to take the right side of the warehouse while Raven and Cyborg take the left side. "Raven, is he close by?" Cyborg asked. "Yea, he actually beneath us, right here at this spot" she responded.  Without warning, the ground beneath her begins to shake rapidly as if they caught a earthquake. Slowly, A hole was being made as a person was popping up from the ground. The hair was gold as the skin was Caucasian, which can only be one person. "WELL LOOK! THE TEEN TITANS ARE ALL HERE! WAITING FOR THEIR DEATH FROM THEIR FALLEN COMRADE!" Said Terra. A growl insue as she gets closer to the surface. In the shadows, A figure immerges with green flow to it's eyes. Raven looked at it with such intensity and could make out who it was. "Gar, I know you're in there. Fight this!" Raven said telepathically. Beastboy responds "I'm trying Raven! I'm doing my best!" Raven looked at him intensely and said to him "You better do this! You don't have a choice! Do you want to give up on us?! On me?! We didn't give up on you! We are here for you Gar! The last damn you better do is give up on everybody! You can fight this Damn It!!" Terra looked the Titans and said with such arrogance and sarcasm "Well look who's having a such easy time talking to her man? Look at her! It's so heart warming." She finishes with a evil laugh. "I mean really, it's beautiful. Could you imagine if I drowned you, how much you wouldn't talk at all? You would have become a silent film with you final breaths." Raven have had enough of it and send Terra through the wall without moving a inch. The Titans were surprised as they didn't know who or what could do that so suddenly except for Robin. He had seen her do this before as she learned to control her powers. They have never seen such passion come from Raven as they just stood back as support. "Uh Robin, Does she need our help?" Star asked. Robin looked back with a smirk and said "No. I think she will be fine. She sent Terra through a wall without even moving. She handles her without a doubt. Terra counters back with a combo of punches and kicks, sending Raven flying into a rusty machine.
"Aww did the demon bitch lose her steam?"
Raven smirked evilly and said "Yea, I did. Now I just want the smoke. Let see what you really made of"
Terra stopped smiling as Raven punched her, sent her flying through the ground. The Titans looking on the battle intrigued. Cyborg asked "How do you know this Robin? It could have been anybody sending her through a wall?"

"She had problems controlling her powers after she defeated Trigon. The amount of power that she had was more of a cap to what she could really do if she tapped into herself and believed. What she thought she had knew was a mental cap to deal with her powers before she defeated Trigon. Remember what happened to that guy who tried to rob the back? How his legs were broken and contorted?" He asked. Cyborg nodded. "Who do you think did it? Nobody touched him, at all. We were too busy fighting to see what really happened" Robin explained. The team could do nothing but nod in disbelief and watched Raven do battle with Infected Terra. The battle continued as the half-demon was obliterating her with each blow, watching her fall before her knees. Raven kicked, punched and slammed Terra everywhere and anywhere she went. Terra begin to realize that her combat skills and her powers were no match for a rageful, but calm half-demon. Now learning that she is not a match for Raven and her abilities, she began to proceed with the last ditch effort. She seen that Beastboy was in the fetal position, fighting off what was happening mentally, shaking like a man withdrawal from addiction. She pulls out this black-colored blade with a bat symbol and aimed it at him. She timed the throw perfectly as Raven attention was focused on killing Terra. Terra looked at her with a smirk saying "Say Good-bye to Gar Raven. He's done for!" As she threw the blade towards him. Raven stopped and watched as the blade flies towards him. She can't stop it with her powers in time. She just watched as the blade gets closer to him.

"Beastboy. You're in grave danger dude! Get up and fight! You can shake it off! Let it all go. You don't want to hurt anybody and I get that. Some words don't reach people and Terra is such a being. You love your life with Raven. Don't let her jeopardize of that my dude. Do what you got do!" He heard from his thoughts. He came to as the blade as was 6 feet away from hitting his back. He felt the presence of the blade and instinctively jump up in time to miss it. He landed on his feet, staring at Terra. Then he looks at Raven, signaling her to step down. "Gar, I'm not leaving" she said. He stares at her and said assertively "This is no time to be the single hero Raven. I'm ending this here. She dies today. Stay back and watch the fireworks." Terra looked at him for a second and hysterically laughed. "Beastboy, you're too pathetically weak minded to kill me. You still love me, just like puppy dog and every guy I've been with. Guys like you are suckers, always waiting for pussy and bitching when I don't give it to you. The whole while I was doing it to enjoy your miserable face" she said. It was at this moment Raven stepped aside to witness the wrath of the animal he can become. "Terra, I loved you before. But that's in the past. And besides you're not too notch yourself. You run away from everything and blame everybody for your bullshit, even Slade before you did. I did have some hope you would come back someday. As a changed person, Not a insecure bitch who's soul is possessed." It was at this point that tears were formed from Terra's demonic eyes and she immediately charged him, but failed to damage him. He grabbed her by the hair and threw her down into the ground face first. While she is slowly getting up from the attack, he turns into the beast, kicking her through a wall towards the entrance of the warehouse shortly after. He continues to thrash her while the team watches from a distance, breaking her bones on impact and hearing her scream with pain. The horror the Titans witness was something that they were not prepared to handle. They couldn't imagine that one of their own causing some pain and destruction until now. Nevertheless, she manage to deal with the pain as she slowly heals internally.
He gut punched her into the air, feeling her ribs breaking. She can't even fight back at this point. Her regeneration isn't fast enough to heal everything that's being broken at one.
The beast jumps to chasing her, grabbing her neck to slam into the ground. He lifts her up for the kill with his hand around her neck. Her eyes glow a golden light that's followed with an evil laugh. Gar, at this moment, is paying no attention to that. He needs Raven to bind her extremities so he can finish her off. "Raven, bind her arms and legs with your powers. I don't want her to pull any sneak moves. This is it" He said in a bloodthirsty tone. Raven didn't hesitate as she binded her arms just as she was caught pulling out an another black knife with the infected Joker toxin inside the blade. "Now Gar!" She shouted. He takes his thumb to push her head back until several bones were popped. She was at last lifeless. Her body dangles from his hand as he holds her for a few more seconds. Everybody, including Raven was speechless.

Beastboy x Raven: Lovers in Sync Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now