Chapter 8: How Long and How Far

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Robin and Raven hurried everybody to the conference room to tell them the news. Cyborg and Starfire, obviously confused but curious, hurried on as well. They all arrive there with Cyborg asking "What's up? What's going on?" Immediately Starfire ask "Yes. What is happening Robin? Are we in trouble?" Robin looked at Star and explains to her "No, we are not. But Beastboy is. He has been kidnapped by the evil ground witch known as Terra. She somehow came in the tower without alerting us, her and Beastboy got into a scuffle and we didn't hear it. It was as if everything was good here. Raven has been seeing messages written in blood recently. She even thought that I was killed by her. I think Terra is playing mind games with Raven, making her hallucinate and playing a reality in her head that she sees us dead when we aren't." Cyborg feared the worst has happened already. He asks "Raven, what has he said telepathically?" She responded with a tear "That he didn't want me to tell Robin what was going on. That it was make an uproar in the Tower." Cyborg fears are becoming reality as she speaks. "Rae, I believe that he is infected with the joker toxin." Raven couldn't react to what he said because she felt her heart drop. "The specs that we found in his skull are pieces of the infected toxins. This time however, it's not running in his bloodstream. It looks more like a growing parasite. He may have not fought anybody, but thought that he was fighting her is his room." Raven begins to cry and scream as her powers destroy everything around her in the room. The rest of the team runs for cover as she becomes very angry. Her eyes turn red as the anger grows and her tears begin to flow.

However, she gains control of her powers within a couple of minutes. Surprised, the team walks back in to check on her. "Raven, are you okay?" Asked Robin. She looks at him with a calm stare and responds "Yes, I am okay now. I'm calm." "Raven, have your eyes ever glowed red around the pupil?" Cyborg? She was confused as she asked for Cy to show her what he had seen. He gives her a mirror and to her liking, she is surprised. "No, I haven't, but this is okay. I don't feel that I'm out of control anymore right. That doesn't mean that it could be reversible. But if it's for Gar, they can stay red as they want to." She explained to the team. "Now since we are here, what plan do we have to get my man back?" She asks. The team looks at her with such shock. The are not use to her being assertive nor demanding. "Well Raven, we can reverse the parasite. However, we need to find him in time. If the parasite spreads too far, there will not be a chance we can save him." She looked at him with such calamity and assurance and said "We will get him back Cy. I sense your fear, but you have to let it go or let the fear fuel your inner being. This is the game that she is playing. I can see through it. This goes for you and Robin as well Star. Let it go. I can sense what you feel. If we go in there to get him back afraid of what we don't understand, we will lose him. We have to understand the game of fear and it's concept."

Star asks nervously "What is this concept that your talking about Raven?" Raven looked at her and said "Fear is strong if you feed into it. Your mind is a garden and what ever you feed, it will grow. So if you garden fear, you will have a garden of paranoia and insecurities. If you plant calamity and understanding, your garden will be filled with the fact that you have nothing to fear, even if it's unknown because the fear itself is created from your past events in life." Star nodded and understood. The whole team understood why Raven is so calm but sure of herself. They all rally behind her confidence as they will need it to get Beastboy back.

The Titans sat for 2 hours, planning how to track him, take down the parasite in his brain, and if she is there, how to dispose of the infected Terra. They understood that sometimes you got to eliminate that threat by any means, even if that means you got to kill them. They were willing to put their lives on the line for their teammate. When they were finished, they all stood up to get in a circle formation. "Alright guys. This is it. We have one shot at this. Let's get him back and kill that parasite. Dispose of any threat. You know what your tasks are. If We all do our job, we can come home together. Got it?" Robin said. Everybody nodded their heads in agreement and had this determined look in their face, except for Raven. She was calm but ready. "Alright! Titans Let's Go!," Robin shouted. They all ran out the door, with the thought of coming home safely, but understanding that there is a possibility that one that will not. The door slammed shut as the heroes run to track down their teammate.

Beastboy x Raven: Lovers in Sync Part IIМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя