Chapter 11: After Life

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It's been two weeks since the defeat of Terra, rather Terra's bitter soul that was infected I may add. The Titans resumed their daily lives as the days pass. Robin and Star are set to go her home planet to see her family while Cyborg takes some time to visit his father's grave site. He has some emotional baggage to sort through as he progresses with Bumblebee. She encourages him to do that for himself because she knows her "Sparky" can be his best version if he tries. Raven and Beastboy remain at the tower. It's their time of the month that they are on standby in case something goes down. The couple's relationship grew stronger after the battle with Terra. Gar knows that he can be his best version now and it doesn't stop him from being afraid. More importantly, it doesn't stop him from being his best self, even if he and Raven do not remain together for a long time. For right now, it doesn't seem like that is likely going to happen. Raven watches him grow into a person that she has come to love and loves what she sees. It makes her want to be with him more because there is nothing stopping him from being his best self.

Beastboy's POV:

"After all this, all this fear in life, afraid of losing Raven and losing myself in life, it seems so not there. My fears, my fear of losing, is really me lacking in my own self acceptance and self love. For years, I've let plenty of women just push me around, run all over me, stand me up, tell me that I was not man enough even when I was getting girls. The women who were like this didn't respect me or what I wanted. They saw me as a weak dick who they can do whatever to. I didn't understand any of this until I became an item with Rae. She is a soul-keeper, a loving woman with truthful written on her forehead. She doesn't get jealous and she doesn't mind me being myself, even if other women flirt with me. She is territorial, but she doesn't feel that she will lose me. She do feel that I could leave at any moment, thus she make sure that she takes good care of me.

I don't let her try to dog me out. We have disagreements about things, but I stand my ground. I no longer cave in to others opinions. I live with my own, but I don't mind listening to others. It helps me grow into somebody that I can be.

Raven's POV:

"Gar has grown alot. He is a bigger asshole now since he doesn't fear me anymore. And quite honestly, that what makes him sexy to me. When he was younger, he use to be afraid of me and I could have my way with him. Threaten to send him somewhere that he could not return from or threaten to destroy him was the way that I fuck with him. As the years passed, he became less afraid of me and started standing up for himself. Probably the reason why I like so much, or better yet love him so much. He's being his own man without a fear if losing me. As annoying as he gets being himself, it also make me appreciate him and want to pounce on him and ride him all night. I love that man and I enjoy his honesty. He is great! (Giggles and Blushes)"

The couple meet up in the living room, looking at each with mischievous look. "Raven, are just stand there looking at me all day?" She looks at him with a annoyed face saying "Yea I will. Just trying to figure out why you are so ugly Gar?" He looks at her with a smirk and say "Hmm. Well did you figure it out yet or do you need more time?" Her face expressed more annoyance from that comment. "It's only because you genetics gave you the "ugly face" chromosome." He smirked. "For somebody who doesn't like ugly faces, you sure do love to ride this one when you can." Raven's face turned pink as she walked towards him with her hand glowing. She got close to him and threaten to kill him. He looks at her, laughs. "Rae, your threats are as empty as a trashcan with no bag." He kisses her cheek and whispers in her ear. "(Whisper) I love when you're like this. It's cute and it's hot." Raven backed off to give him space. No matter what, she couldn't scare him. She liked it too. She grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss. She couldn't help herself at that moment. She pulled back and took him by the hand to lead him to his room. He knew what time it is.

It seems like our heroes are living their best life by taking vacations, healing pains from their past and embrace what and who they really are. The grounds and skies will be safe with them around Jump City. Life for the Titans as we know it will stay good as long as they got each other. Love knows no boundaries as long as everybody stay true to who they are. May the Titans live in peace and harmony as they live to define d jump city from the terrors of the world.

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