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A/n: so I was gonna so part two of the soulmate au, but I decided not too. Unless I get messages about you guys wanting me to continue it then I probably won't do it. Anyways, here a cute fluffy imagine for you. Lucifer and you are married in this one.

-Kat 👀


After being married for about a year now, Lucifer was pretty comfortable around you and allowed himself to be vulnerable and admit things he wouldn't admit around others. You recently discovered he loves cute pet names so he calls you pumpkin and you call him baby or babe. Of course you only did this when it was just the two of you.  

For some reason that both of you can't explain the names can calm both of you down pretty quickly, especially Lucifer.


"Luci?" You call, taking your shoes and coat. "Baby? I'm home!" You call again. Still no response, you walk around the penthouse calling out for him, still nothing. You notice the bedroom door is closed, your heart starts pounding and you slowly creep up to the door.

You crack it open, and your heart almost cracks in two at the sight. Lucifer is lying back facing you curled up in fetus position. "Luce, babe?" You say in soft voice

"Hey" he says in a monotone voice. You walk over to the other side of the bed so you can see his face.

"Whatcha doing?" He doesn't respond. "What can I do to help you?" He's still for a minute but then he moves over and points to the bed. You nod getting in with him and wrapping your arms around him. You trace little messages on his back.

You lay there for about a hour or two before he goes back to normal goofy self. You're sitting at the piano with him when your phone starts to ring, it's Chloe.

"Hey chloe, what's up?"

"Y/n, hi so um... Dan had to cancel for dinner because of work and Trixie is quite upset. I thought you and lucifer could pop by? Maybe cheer her up a little?"

"Yeah, that sounds fun. Let me just check with Lucifer. I'll text you" You say your goodbyes and hang up.

"Lucifer?" You call out

"Yeah pumpkin?" You blush a little

"Chloe is inviting us out for dinner! Wanna go?"

"Yeah sure" you smile and shoot Chloe a text saying you'll be there at 6pm.

"Y/n! We gonna be late! Hurry up!" Lucifer calls in playful tone

You walk into the room with a fake annoyed expression, "Why don't you just go by yourself then!?"

Hurt spreads onto his face "I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way! Forgive me pumpkin?" He says pouting

You burst out laughing "ha! You should've seen your face!" You walked out to the car swinging your hips.

He growls and gets in the car glaring at me. You laugh so more "you have to agree that was pretty funny." You giggle

He breaks and laughs along with you "okay, okay you win it was funny"

You smile and reach over and peck his lips. We pull up to Chloe's house and Trixie is waiting for us at the door. "Lucifer! Y/n!" She squeals before pulling you both in for one of her famous hugs.

Chloe smiles "come on in, just finishing the salsa. Thank you guys for coming."

"It was no problem, we love you and Trixie right luci?"

"Yeah, I love you both" he mumbles

You and Chloe giggle and he rolls his eyes at both of you. You help Chloe finish preparing supper well Lucifer plays with Trixie.

"I feel bad for making Lucifer play with Trixie, she can just watch something on tv if he wants to come help us" Chloe says feeling guilty

"Oh no, that's fine, trust me Lucifer loves hanging out with Trixie he just doesn't like to admit it." You smile thinking about him

"You must really love him huh?"

"Yeah..." you say dreamily

"Wanna know a secret?" You smirk

"Yeah! Tell me that Lucifer is secretly a big softie or something!"

You laugh "he totally is! He loves to cuddle after we both it get home from work, he's the little spoon most of the time! Also, he loves pet names, I call him baby or babe and he totally eats it up!" You smile giggling some more.

She gasps "that's so cute!" She laughs along with you.

Lucifer walks in, "what are you guys giggling about? Me?" He smirks flexing his muscles

"Actually yeah we were giggling about you, right chloe?"

"Yeah!" She smiles, holding in her laugh

"I knew it!" He wiggles his eyebrows at you.

"I was just telling Chloe about how your secretly a big softie."

"Yeah, I didn't know you liked to cuddle! And it's so cute you liked to by called pet names!" She giggled.

"I-I um..."  he blushed deeply, rubbing his arm behind his neck embarrassed.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone! She reassured him.

"You better not" he mumbled

You both laughed again, sitting down for dinner. You pecked his cheek "your not mad right?" You're whispered

"Oh love, I can never stay mad at you for more than 5 seconds" he whispered back pulling you in for a proper kiss

"Come on lovebirds! Dinners ready!" Chloe called from the next room.

You walked in holding hands, grins wide. That was a good day.

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