The Rain brings out your eyes

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A/n: I'm Back! I hope you enjoy this next one shot! pls vote and comment it really brightens my day! this is not canon to the show, this is an alternate universe where they met in college and Meredith still lives with her mother.

Fandom: Grey's Anatomy

Pairing: Merder (Meredith and Derek) 


Meredith glanced at the time, 6:37 pm it read. Crap! Derek would be here in twenty minutes! She still couldn't believe he convinced her to finally go on a date, they only just met a couple of days ago in the biology class they shared. 

It's fine, it's just one date, a couple of hours and then I can come home again, she reasoned with herself as she put the final touches on her sandy blonde curls. She decided on a nice pair of jeans and her favorite lavender sweater, hopefully, the restaurant wasn't too fancy she thought. 

The doorbell rang and broke her from her thoughts and she glanced at the time again. She rolled her eyes, of course, he's early she grabbed her flats and took one last look in the mirror. 

"You look stunning Mer," He said as soon as she opened the door, and she couldn't help the faint blush that crept up on her cheeks. 

"Thanks, uh so do you" 

He smiled "thanks, shall we?" she nodded and he led her out the door. 

she smiled shyly back at him before turning back in the house and yelling "Bye Mom! I'll be home later!" No response as usual. 

She shook it off and left the house linking arms with Derek. 


There was something she couldn't place about him... he was just so... she just couldn't think of the right word. 

So far, she was actually really enjoying her night, Derek was so easy to talk too and could always think of something to make her laugh. 

they ate dinner, and shared cheesecake for dessert and sooner than Meredith would have liked it was over. they got the bill and of course, Derek insisted that he will pay for the whole meal because it was the "polite thing to do." 

Unfortunately, they exited and grabbed their things pretty quickly, and now they were back in Derek's car. 

"So uh what would you like to know?" he asked smiling

"Uh, look I know you're expecting me to take you home but tonight I just can't. My mom will be home all night and that would be weird, you really don't want to meet her... I'm not saying I want you to take me home though- we only just met and I'm not ready for anything like that ok!? She blurted out, blushing in the process. 

"Meredith..." His velvet-like voice broke her from her racing thoughts. 

"Oh shit, I was rambling again wasn't I? sorry I know it's stupid and kind of weird," she replied quickly 

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion "Don't apologize Mer, I think it's really cute actually. Who told you it was stupid?" 

"My Mom..." She mumbled, not meeting his eyes. 

"Oh...I'm sorry, she shouldn't treat you like that," He told her firmly. 

She half-smiled "It's fine, sorry this isn't first date kind of conversation is it?" 

"It's okay, you did nothing wrong. I had a great time, and I'll drive you home ok?" He put his hand over hers, rubbing it with his thumb. She nodded taking his hand into hers. It was comforting in a way, having someone else to ground you, keep you from drifting away. She'd never had that before. 

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