A Birthday to Remember

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It's your first birthday since getting together with Lucifer, and you expect nothing will change. You never celebrated your birthday because of your past and you don't plan on starting. Turns out Lucifer had other plans

A/n: thanks for 500 reads!!! Also, this one-shot is dedicated to Ayanna_Wild for helping me come up with the idea. All of you should go check her out, I'm in love with her Lucifer one shots work. This is a long one!


You wake up groaning, for you your birthday was just a ordinary day, nothing special about it. Most of your friends didn't even know what day it was on but you were used to it.

There was a small part of you that yearns for a awesome birthday with friends and a nice romantic dinner with your boyfriend afterwords. You pushed those thoughts out of your mind, that will never happen you thought.

Unfortunately your birthday was on a Thursday so you still had work. The bullpen was already bursting with life when you arrived, you slumped down on your desk feeling down, you were told it was going to be a slow day today so everyone was instructed to catch up on paperwork. What a great way to spend my birthday you thought bitterly.

You were shuffling through case files when Ella came running up to you bouncing on the ball of her feet. You were practically tackled to the ground with her bone crushing hugs.

"Y/n! You didn't tell me it was your birthday! How could you!" she playfully punched you in the shoulder.

You blush "H-How did you find that out!" you say shocked

She shrugs like it's no big deal "Lucifer, obviously. He pretty much told everyone here."

"WHAT!? How the heck did he find out!" you say nervously.

"How did I find out what?" Lucifer chimes in wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.

You drag him to a more private area so everyone can't hear you screaming at him.
"How did you know it was my birthday today and did you really have to tell everyone here!" you yell crossing your arms at him

He chuckled "Love, its my job as your lover to automatically know when your birthday is. If you really must how though I just called up your mother"

You sighed trying to calm yourself down "look that's really sweet... But haven't celebrated my birthday since... a long time. So I really don't need any big party or cake or anything like that."

He frowns a little disappointed "okay, I guess that's your decision to make. Happy birthday darling" he kisses you softly and you both go back to work.

Throughout the rest of the day your mind keeps fantasizing about how awesome it would be to have a big birthday. You keep telling yourself, no I don't need a repeat of last time. You wince thinking about that day.


It feels like forever when you finally finish the stack or paperwork, thankfully you get to go home a couple hours early because of it.

You flop down on your couch ready to watch some chick flicks and eat the two tubs of icecream you brought before hand.

You glance to your fridge getting up to go get the tubs when your phone starts buzzing.

It's Lucifer "Hey luce, what's up?"

"Darling! So, I know you don't want to celebrate your birthday but hear me out okay?"


"Just come over to Lux please? We can just hang out and have a nice night!"

You sigh "I guess that would be nice... Fine I'll be over in 20"

"Great!" you giggle at his overexcited voice hanging up.

You quick change out of your work clothes and put on some ripped jeans and a nice sweater and curl your H/c hair into little ringlets.

You jog out to your car actually getting a little excited.

Finally you've successfully made it through the crazy crowd at lux and to the elevator that takes you to Lucifer's penthouse.

It's dark when you arrive but you make out a banner on the back wall, oh no you think. This can't happen you start to panic about to run back to the elevator. When suddenly the lights flick on and all your friends yell "Surprise! Happy Birthday Y/n!"

You freeze up speechless unmoving, Lucifer comes up to you and pecks your check while placing a tiny pink party hat on your head.

You put a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from crying out. The tears start streaming down your face and hitting the floor. You let out a small sob. You break your hand falling to side, your sobs start getting louder.

Lucifer gives you a concerned and confused look and pulls you into a side room and shuts the door. Your legs give out and he has to hold you up.

By the time you pull away there is large damp spot on his suit from your tears.

"All you alright darling? Everyones worried about you" he speaks in gentle voice not wanting to startle you

You laugh weakly "does it look like I'm alright" you point to your tear stained face. 

He frowns and gently wipes your face with a handkerchief.  "I don't understand, I thought this would make you happy?" he says furrowing his eyebrows

"It's just... Four years ago my old group of friends pretended to throw a surprise party for me- they set up a whole scavenger hunt and everything, but when I finally got there... They had the whole party without me. At first I thought it was a accident but they had banner hung up with bunch of insults about me and they basically said they didn't want to be friends with it me anymore. Then later that night to top it all off I got mugged. After that I decided that birthdays suck and Haven't celebrated since then." you rambled eyes tearing up again thinking about it.

You looked up at Lucifer nervously, he was practically vibrating with anger. "How dare they!" He growled 

You shrug "it's not that big of a deal..." you bite your lip to stop it from wobbling

"It definitely is! What are their names and where do they live."

"Lucifer! No. I really like the party it just overwhelmed me and opened some old wounds" 

"Are you sure?"

You smile "yeah, I want to spend a awesome night with my friends and my amazing boyfriend." you promise

"Okay. After the party I get to introduce you to the amazing world of birthday sex!" he grinned

You blushed and dragged him back to everyone. After you gave a quick explanation you Ella, Chloe, Maze and Linda all did a big group well Dan and Lucifer just stood awkwardly to the side.

You had a amazing night that you'd never forget. You couldn't wait for your birthday again next year and Lucifer was right, Birthday sex was the best.

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