Worst turned into best

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A/n: Hello! This is my first post to the newly updated title/cover :))))) yay! I uploaded this on archive of our own and I thought I should post it here. I know this isn't really an x reader I just have a soft spot for irondad. 

Fandom: Marvel/The MCU


It didn't take long after Peter met Mr. Stark to start seeing him as a father figure, but obviously he was never gonna tell him that or heaven forbid, call him dad. Or so he thought...

It was after school on a Thursday and Peter was waiting for happy to come to pick him up like usual, he and Mr. Stark always worked in the lab on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

He heard the familiar sound of Happy's annoyed shouting and realized he zoned out, he quickly jogged out and got into the car as quickly as possible mumbling a quick sorry to Happy.

It didn't take long before they pulled up to the compound and Peter jumped out and ran into the building, he's already been here so many times that he knows exactly how to get Mr. Stark's lab.

"Hey, kid! ready to get started?" Tony asked not looking up from whatever he was fiddling with. Peter rapidly nodded, eyes shining with excitement and interest.

"So for your suit, I thought we could work on updating Karen so she has the same advanced abilities that Friday does, what do you think?"

"Yeah! that sounds cool!" He nodded and took a seat at the bench next to Da-Mr. stark. He took a seat next to Mr. Stark.


Hours passed and Peter's eyelids started to get heavy and he couldn't stop yawning no matter what he did. He was exhausted.

Obviously it didn't take long for Tony to take notice, one glance at Peter and he thought he was going to pass out. He chuckled a little before standing up and gently prying away Peter's hand from the keyboard, how he was still typing at that point Tony has no idea. "I think we should wrap it up kid before you end up passing out."

Peter smiled weakly "That sounds like a good idea" he grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulders.

Tony slapped his back "Okay let's go, I'll drive you home tonight Happy's probably asleep already" Peter nodded self consciously leaning his head on Tony's shoulder as he let him lead him to the car. Tony wasn't surprised that Peter ended up falling asleep on the ride there, he made a mental note to himself to never let his kid stay up this late again.

He pulled up to Peter's building and gently shook Peter awake. "Ugh, go away" Peter groaned

"wake up kid, we're here" Peter slowly blinked and grabbed his bag.

"bye Dad" Peter mumbled sleepily and exited the car before Tony had a chance to reply. He was pretty sure his heart com-busted right then and there, he spent at least 10 minutes after Peter left just sitting there smiling.

"Friday you got that right?" he asked pleadingly

"Yes sir!" the AI responded in a chirpy voice. He smiled he couldn't wait to get home and replay the video over and over again.

As he was driving home doubts crept in his mind saying that Peter was really tired, he didn't know what he was saying, maybe he didn't feel the same way after all. He shook them away and prayed that Peter felt the same way.

Little did he know that Peter didn't even realize what he said yet.

By the time Peter got home that night he was so tired, he fell asleep in his clothes on the top of his bed.

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