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-PLEASE READ THIS ALL! It would mean a lot to me ^-^

we are almost at 10k reads! wow. thanks to everyone that has been leaving comments and votes, it really brightens up my day.

Anyways, to the point so I had this idea to turn this work into a x reader one shots. I've been drifting away from Lucifer and discovering new shows/fandoms. So I can leave up the stuff I've already posted but instead of just doing Lucifer I'll do over shows that I like or prompts that you guys request. This way I continue to write like you have requested and enjoy it more :)

-I will start posting and taking requests  for the following fandoms:
-Grey's anatomy
-Supergirl (the Cw series)
-Brooklyn nine-nine
-(probably more once I think of them)

Feel free to request stuff even it is not on this list! Maybe I can still do it! Sorry for making you read this boring update but it would really great if you give some feedback on what you guys think of this :)

-Thanks a bunch,
Kat ❤️

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