Look at me

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A/n: here's fluffy short imagine to tie you over well I finish up We've got this part two :)


You sighed as you checked the time on your phone 11:30 it read. Okay Y/n only a half an hour and then you can go enjoy your half day, you can do this you told your self.

After what felt like hours it was finally noon and you scrambled to gather you stuff and get out of there as soon as possible. You let out a content sigh as you rolled down the windows of your SUV letting the cool breeze calm you down.

You smiled as you looked up at your favorite rooftop diner, you went there almost every day you had a half day. They had amazing food and the view of the city was breathtaking.

You took a deep breathe pressing the up button on the elevator that took you to the roof. You weren't a fan of elevators- you're claustrophobic but the view and food was totally worth it.

You and tall business man walked in, you stood on opposite sides of the door. You watched the floors rise nervously tapping your foot. You glanced at the quite handsome man beside you and looked to the doors expecting for them to open any second now.

You pressed the "open doors" button and the whole thing jolted and let out a ear raping screech. You grit you teeth pressing the button again. The power give out and you hear the all too familiar sound of the elevator powering down.

"Shit" you whispered your foot tapping already at a faster pace than usual.

The dark haired man let out a frustrating Huff and pulled out his phone tapping away angrily. Your eyes lit up as you remembered your phone that's in your purse. You fish it out and press the home button. Dead. You resist the urge to throw it against the wall, you really need to get a better one.

Great. You're stuck in your worst fear with a total stranger-a handsome stranger at that but, you can't even appreciate his handsomeness cause your too busy trying to not have a panic attack.

"Well love, looks like we'll be stuck in here for a while now. Get to know each other to waste time?"

Hearing him say the words just made it all so real, you slide to the floor breathing getting heavier by the minute. Your vision blurs and your mind is racing.

"You alright darling?" the guy asks concerned

"D-D-Does it l-look like I'm a-alright?" you rasp out holding back tears. He frowns his brows furrowing, he slowly moves toward you and sits down beside you. You cling on to him quickly, a light blush still appearing on your cheeks. He tensed but relaxed quickly and put his arm around your shoulder comfortingly.

You sat in that position for a while and comfortable silence but it got to be too much.

You whimpered softly a couple tears finally making their way down your face. "H-How long are we going to be here" you whispered in strangled voice.

"Shhh love, you're going to be fine." he whispered back soothingly and he cupped your cheek wiping away the stray tears.

You laughed weakly "you don't know that, I don't even know you your are."

"Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar and you are?"

"Y/n L/n. Wait a second, Lucifer? As in the devil? "

"Precisely" your jaw slacked, you were stuck in a elevator with the devil?! He chuckled and you let out a shaky breath leaning your head on his shoulder

Hours passed and you too, really got to know each other. He was really charming. Finally they got the evaluator working again and you could finally get out of there.

You both exchanged numbers, promising to go for coffee soon. Before you left he snuck up on you and kissed you cheek before winking and getting in his car. You stood there blushing and watching him speed off.

I guess something came out of that experience after all you thought as you were driving home.

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