It Begins

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After the war, Hogwarts added more years for uneducated and under-educated wizards and witches, all the way to the tenth year but those were mostly adults, where Harry Potter stood was the seventh year, he wanted to be an arour more than anything and because of Voldemort he couldn't sustain a good education, and he was hoping, he would see a particular blond.

"Harry!" Ginny exclaimed running up to harry and giving him a huge wet kiss on the lips

"H-Hey Ginny" Harry returned pushing her away softly

"Where's Ron?" He asked as she looked a bit upset

"He's coming" she stated bluntly crossing her arms angrily

"Harry!?" Harry spun to see a wild-haired girl waving at him frantically

"Hermione!" He exclaimed back giving her a huge hug, he winced when Ginny snorted angrily

"Hello Hermione, done snogging my brother are you?" She said bitterly, Harry's eyes went wide, Ginny had never said anything like this before, Hermione only glanced and ignored her

"How was your summer?" She chirped

"It was fine a bit lonely " Harry smiled softly, Hermione gave him a sympathetic smile as Ron walked in

"Hey Harry," he said happily

"Hey, Ron!" Harry said excitedly happy to see his best friend and enveloping him in a hug as well

"Oi mate why didn't you write?" He asked a little hurt, Ginny squealed softly as they looked at her for a short moment

"I did when I could!" Harry said confused as to why his letters hadn't arrived

"Y-yes harry you should have written to your girlfriend and your best friend" she stammered, Ron glanced at her a spark of anger in his eyes

"Something you wanna tell me, Ginny?" He said through clenched teeth, Harry raised his eyebrows above his dorky lenses, he had never seen Ron talk to Ginny like that, what had happened over the summer?

"I- no, what would I have to say?" She said snobbishly, Ron opened his mouth to speak before she flipped her robe and made her way into the dining hall

"What was that about? Why are you guys treating Ginny so badly?" He asked a bit frustrated, he had to admit he had lost his feelings he once had with Ginny but he still viewed her as a friend.

"We'll tell you after the sorting" Hermione said sadly as she pushed her boyfriend and Harry into the dining hall, they all glanced at Ginny who sat next to her best friend confusion plastered on her face.

"All seventh years! I'm sorry to inform you that your section in this room is not finished" McGonagall spoke as the headmistress

"We have fused the houses in this situation until we do" she stated

"Ravenpuff on the left!" She called and Harry's heart dropped to his stomach

"That means-" he began as McGonagall spoke again

"Slytherndor on the right!" She said and turned back into her seat, Harry gulped he wasn't particularly excited to be sitting with Slytherins in the first place but there was a certain one he didn't want to see, but as Merlin would have it. The only spot left was right beside a certain blond and two other spots by his friends

"G-Good morning Malfoy" Harry mentally punched himself in the eye for stuttering so helplessly

"Potter" he responded not saying another word but picking at his food, Harry nodded his head and glared at his other two friends who were staring at him, he blushed and sat next to the blond as the couple sat next to Pansy Parkinson.

"Hermione!" She squealed hugging Hermione till she looked blue

"Pans don't kill someone from the golden trio, we look bad as it is" Draco whispered the last part like it was caught in his throat. Harry turned to him sympathetically, not thinking about it he placed a gentle hand on Malfoy's shoulder and smiled

"I'm sorry," he said no hint of hateful behavior or a joke. It was real. Malfoy's pale cheeks turned pink and he turned away

"I don't need your pity Potter" he retorted drinking from his pumpkin juice. Pansy glared and kicked Draco's leg from under the table, he winced but continued to drink it until he was fed up with it, he pulled out his wand and turned the juice to rum

"Draco!" Pansy hissed snatching the cup, surprisingly not spilling a single drop

"Pansy" he shot back taking the cup back less gracefully spilling half of the contents on Harry's lap

"Ah" Harry sighed chuckling a bit

"You've seemed to have gotten me wet Malfoy" he stated innocently, Draco blushed and snorted

"Well then don't get in my way Potter" he spat playfully as he snatched some napkins not thinking about how close his hands were to Harry's crouch he dabbed at the rum as people began to stare

"Well potter it seems it's not coming out" Draco huffed, Harry was blushing beyond compare

"N-No worries!" He said as Dracos eyes turned to him, steel, was all harry could thinking off

"I uh," he said waving his hand over the spot as it disappeared like it was never there

"Woah! How did you do that?" Draco's eyes widened in surprise at the wandless magic

"Been practicing" Harry stated taking Draco's cup of rum and taking a swig, drinking the remainder of the contents, Malfoy huffed taking the cup

"My rum!" He exclaimed as Blaise sat down next to Pansy

"Ah quit your whining lover boy," he said waving his wand filling up the cup with rum again

"Loverboy?" Harry asked deciding he would banter with the Slytherin as Ron and Hermione seemed to argue, Pansy snorted at Harry's question

"Yeah! The oh so cold, prince of ice has a crush on-!" She suddenly went quiet as Draco cast a mute spell on her

"Don't you dare Parkinson!" He sneered through clenched teeth, Harry stared wide-eyed as Draco's Malfoy mask seemed to have hit the ground

"Oh gosh" Harry whined, Malfoy glanced at him, and Harry realized he had said that out loud

"Ahahaha" he laughed awkwardly taking Draco's cup again and chugging it all before taking his things and rushing out of the hall

"Harry!" Hermione called pulling Ron with her to chase down the stupid boy who lived and apparently run very fast.

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