cheater cheater pumpkin eater

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"Ginny I don't understand why you would even do this to me!" Harry yelled outraged

"I didn't, I just, I was alone and i-" she began to sob, Harry watched as she fell to her knees, Ron said she would do this

*in the room where it happened*

"Let's get to business" Hermione winced she sat on the bed her books toppling over as she did.

"I think you can guess how this conversation is going to start" Hermione sighed as Ron sat next to her rubbing her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her

"Ginny cheated on me." Harry stated the knot in his throat seemed to never want to go down when he even thought of the words, he looked up at his friends who only nodded

"We were going to tell you yesterday, but then the whole drama broke out" Ron winced as Harry suddenly dropped into a bean bag chair

"Alright then, tell me" Harry leaned back into the chair staring intensly at his friends

"Well I'll tell you, uh, Ron still cant believe his own sister would do something like that" Hermione said sadly as she rubbed circles on the back on Ron's hands with her thumb, Harry stayed silent

"She, well, we found her with some random guy at diagon alley, at first we thought they were just friends, but then they stared making out and you know other stuff." Hermione glanced away as Harry's frown deepened

"So she cheated." Harry huffed not surprised

"Sorry mate" Ron tried

"No it's fine I really don't care?" Harry said almost as a question

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked as Harry pinched the bridge of his nose

"Well I wont lie" Harry sighed

"I lost feelings for Ginny, but I still thought of her as a friend." Harry pursed his lips

"I was going to break up with her but, it got complicated" Hermione watched him sympathy clouding her eyes

"Now what!?" Harry sighed falling back deeper into the bean bag

"Well now break up with her" Ron stated firmly

"But I dont know how she'll react." Harry winced at the thought of being hexed

"Well I can help you with that!" Ron smiled, the trio had spent hours in the room talking about how Ginny would act and try to play innocent and what Harry should do in response

*back to Harry and Ginny*

"Ginny get off the floor" Harry took a step back

"Harry please I'm in love with you!" Ginny cried staring up at him

"Well here's the thing Ginny" Harry began a wide sympathetic smile on his face as he leaned down and helped her up

"I dont feel that way about you anymore" he said happily Ginny's nose flared anger now replacing sadness

"You, I bet its because you like that Malfoy son of a bitch!" Harry winced he was prepared for her to try and blame it on someone but he wasnt ready for Draco to be part of the conversation, he almost lost his patience but smiled

"I have no feelings for you Ginny, I would love for us to still be friends but if you are going to act this way then you can't be anymore to me than an ex girlfriend" Harry stood his ground as Ginny cried and ran out of the library where they had gone, it was a secluded area where close to no one went. Harry sighed running his hand through his hair and turning up his nose

"A very eventful day indeed" he thought causally, he had experienced worse, he smiled softly at the thought, he had just realized it was all over. The war, Voldemort, his struggles. All over, he sighed and turned on his heel and walked out of the library, he felt good. He ran into a particular pale blond boy on his way to his room

"Draco darling!" Harry smiled widely

"Wha-" Draco began as he was going to tell the boy who lived off, but then Harry grabbed him and began to dance with him

"I'm in a very good mood right now lover boy" Harry cooed sweetly waltzing with Draco who was cutely taller than him

"Damn it potter!" Draco sighed quietly, pulling out his wand and teleporting them to their dorm

"Woah Draco I'm not in that kind of mood!" Harry laughed falling back into his bed

"Shut up Harry!" Draco blushed crossing his arms

"What's got you in such a mood.. git" Draco had added the git part to sound less nosey, Harry knew it and laughed loudly

"I broke up with my girlfriend!" He yelled happily

"You broke up with Ginny!" Draco seemed to be distraught in Harry's point of view. But he was in fact conflicted, of course now that he had admitted to his friends about his little crush to Harry the break up sounded like a good thing, but he was sad for Harry he was so happy to be rid of Ginny, poor girl. Draco winced at his sympathy

"Indeed I did!" Harry sighed happily

"You know I thought I would be sad" he began as he sat up

"And I kind of am, I lost a friend, but she wasn't the one for me, I'd lost feelings for her anyway I was hoping we could continue to be friends but she took the break up hard" Harry sighed and looked up at Draco

"Now I have more time for you lover boy" Harry winked, Draco shook his head and smiled

"Stop calling me that, I've no chance with him anyway" Draco strolled to his bed falling, very ungracefully for a Malfoy, onto his bed

"Well I think you have a great shot!" Harry smiled

"You don't even know who he is" Draco laughed not really thinking

"Dont need to, I think you are a fairly attractive person!" Harry smiled not really thinking either, Draco blushed sitting up

"Well he did just become available" he said smiling softly.

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