spill the tea

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Draco and Harry woke up in a tangle of limbs and blanket

"Harry" Draco groaned at the added weight. When no response came he opened his eyes

"Harry!" Draco nudged him again getting a groan from Harry

"Damn it potter get off!" Draco yelled as Harry suddenly shifted ontop of him.

"What did you just call me?" He asked almost as a growl

"H-Harry" Draco blushed

"I thought so. Because I could never believe that you would call me Potter while we're alone." Harry frowned leaning closer to Draco's face

"C-Certainly" Draco stutterd out as Harry was an inch close

"You seem nervous." Harry's eyes narrowed

"because you have terrible morning breath" Draco retorted pushing Harry off and standing

"Merlin Harry what's your problem?" Draco frowned unbuttoning his night shirt to change into a T-shirt.

"I don't have a problem." Harry stated defensively biting his lip

"Sure. What's it matter if I call you Harry or potter? They're both literally your name" Draco huffed walking into their shared bathroom to brush his teeth followed by a blushing Harry

"It doesn't but it does?" Harry frowned as Draco rolled his eyes and wet his toothbrush before putting toothpaste on

"It's complicated." Harry sighed reaching for his own toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it

"How so?" Draco asked mouth full of foam

"Well I mean it's kinda stupid but. It feels special, all those years of you calling me potter. Harry is just special" Harry blushed awkwardly as he brushed they both stood quietly the only sound being the scraping of the toothbrushs they both spat and rinsed quietly. Harry sighed and turned away before Draco grabbed his wrist

"It's not stupid." Draco blushed deeply and looked away as Harry turned to him

"I-" Draco began but cut himself off he looked at Harry's emerald eyes and scoffed

"I'm sorry" he finally whispered carefully

"Huh? For what!?" Harry felt confused it wasnt that big if a deal if anything he should be apologizing

"For everything. For making fun of Ron and Hermione. For practically bullying you all through Hogwarts. Literally, I'm sorry for being me." Draco gulped down the knot in his throat

"Draco." Harry smiled and cupped his face

"You are special Harry. And I really like you."

"Thank you." Harry leaned in and kissed Draco tenderly a soft kiss not demanding but lovingly

"No prob bob" Draco said awkwardly after they let go of each other

"Where did you get that from?" Harry chuckled softly

"Granger actually" Draco shrugged before he held back a laugh

"Why didn't you go running today?" Harry tensed and smiled awkwardly

"Well." He began

"I actually only started running because I felt unsafe and crowded." Harry stated finding his hands suddenly very interesting

"But I feel safe with you. I can't really explain it I just do." Draco watched Harry fumble around and he smiled

"I feel safe with you to." Draco smiled and pushed Harry out of the bathroom

"That doesn't mean you can be in here when I need to pee!" Harry snorted as Draco shut the door in his face

"Dork" he thought happily with a smirk on his face his attention was stolen however by a knock on the door Harry arched his eyebrow and walked over opening the door slowly to see Hermione and Ron standing there

"Hey!" Harry smiled big at his friends and let them in

"How's it going?" Ron asked a smirk pulling at his lips receiving a smack from Hermione

"Um good?" Harry said back almost as a question

"Why are you guys here?" He asked sitting on his bed with his legs crossed

"We want to know the details!" Pansy gushed from the door with Blaise not far behind

"What details?" Harry asked feeling dread overtake his stomach

"Yeah like what happend!" Ron asked his arm slung over Hermione

"What do you wanna know weasley?" Draco asked leaning on the door frame of the bathroom making Harry jump

"Well first I wanna know when you guys started dating!" Hermione and pansy yelled in unison. They turned to each other and giggled and turned back to Draco who had sat next to Harry in a protective manner

"Well we haven't gone on an official date" Harry blushed

"Yet" Draco smirked causing the girls to squeal and the boys to roll their eyes

"But when Draco got attacked I spent a lot of time there and then we confessed to each other" Harry blushed and looked away

"When were you guys gonna tell us?" Blaise asked leaning back into the bean bag he had transfigured from a broken quill

"After our first date" Draco smiled as Harry perked up

"What!? No it was supposed to be after a month!" Harry's stupidity hit the others like a brick wall

"Harry you bafoon. Wanna go on a date with me?" Draco smiled as the boys awed with the girls dramatically. Draco rolled his eyes and Harry smiled

"You bloody git. Of course" Harry glanced at the girls who seemed to have poped a blood vessel in their nose

"Pansy!" Draco yelled in disgust at the blood that stained the carpet

After shoving the girls into the bathroom to clean up their bloody noses, Draco sighed at the boys

"You need to control your lady's" he stated cleaning the blood off the floor

"Ha! They control us dimwit" Ron chuckled as Harry elbowed him

"Well now that you guys got what you wanted can you leave so we can get dressed for breakfast. I'm planning on sleeping all day." Blaise rolled his eyes at Draco and went to collect pansy who was still fawning over the new couple Ron did the same and they bid their good byes

"Honestly Harry those are your friends!" Draco scoffed dramatically

"They were your friends too Draco!" Harry retorted and they both laughed

"You called me Draco"

"Yeah. You called me Harry." It shouldn't have been a surprise to them as much as it was they had been calling each other by their first names for months but this time it felt more real more tender. It felt like more.

Call Me By My Name (A Drarry Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now