Hermione's potions

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Draco awoke with the worst splitting headache in his life, he groaned squeezing his eyes shut, feeling particularly warm

"I'll never drink again" he mutterd as he tried to sit up but was pulled back down

"What the-!" His head spun quickly (bad idea) to the side to see Harry, Draco's eyes went wide and he wrestled himself out of Harry's grasp and sprinted to the bathroom hurling whatever stomach acid that was contained in him

"Why is it so damn cold in here?" Harry moaned cuddling into his body pillow

"Oh gosh" Draco whimpered as his head ache intensified, pansy would definitely have some sort of hangover solution

"Move out of the way Draco!" Harry yelled as he hunched over and threw up the contents of his stomach as well.

"I think Parkinson will have a remedy for this" Draco chuckled forgetting about the entire pillow situation

"Parkinson got me through last year" Draco laughed as Harry stood to brush his teeth

"I wouldn't brush my teeth if I were you" Draco sighed

"Ew why not?" Harry scrunched up his nose a little disgusted

"It will taste a million times worse" Draco laughed

"Oh like orange juice" Harry smiled


"Nothing, erm yeah okay let's go" Harry sighed as he helped Draco up

"Say Harry" Draco blushed at the use of his name


"Did, did you actually mean it?"

"Mean what?" Harry closed his eyes he knew what he was talking about

"The kiss part" Draco blushed and looked away

"That depends on a scale of 1-10 would you kiss me again?" Harry smirked but looked away

"W-Well that's none of your business!" He yelped and looked away, as Harry chuckled. They arrived at pansy's room to see Ron there Hermione was helping pansy make the potion because she herself was very hung over, and blaise well, Harry was certain the poor boy had died

"Blaise you drama queen get up" Draco laughed falling onto his lap

"Darling you come here for hangover medicine and you never seem hung over!" Pansy complained

"I'm a malfoy, we dont show, weakness" he glanced at Harry as soon at the words fell from his mouth, Harry smirked and winked at him playfully knowing full well of Draco's morning sickness

"Alright idiots, drink up" Hermione sighed pouring a glass for each one of them, they drank from the cup gaging horidly

"Well what did you expect pumpkin juice!?" Hermione giggled at the imitation of madam pomfrey

"Damn Granger its almost like I made it!" Pansy gagged swallowing the rest down

"Thank you so much for your kind words Parkinson" Hermione laughed as she watched the boys gag

"Good thing I have an afternoon class" Draco huffed as he lied in a fetal position

"Hey me to!" Harry laughed

"We have so much in common lover boy!" Draco rolled his eyes at the nick name to tired to care what Harry called him at this point

"That's so cute how you two flirt even though we're around" Hermione gushed knowingly

"Only for my drakypoo" Harry laughed at the stupid nick name that made everyone else cringe, especially Hermione who was hoping for a cute little argument

"Potter help me up!" Malfoy whined making grabbing motions in the air Hermione laughed and shook her head helping Ron off the ground and staggering towards the door

"I'll catch you guys later then!" She waltzed out much less gracefully than she intended because of her now extra weight

"Potter!" Malfoy exclaimed again but all that could be heard was his two bestfriends sleeping soundly

"Harry" he whispered carefully

"Yes my love" Harry immediately responded as he stood and helped Draco up

"Very funny potter" Draco glared playfully at him Harry shrugged and nudged Draco with his hip

"Shush I need to brush my teeth" Draco giggled leaning away from Harry and using the wall as his crutch.

"When will the potion kick in!?" Harry laughed along

"It already has" Draco wheezed as they stumbled into the room together laughing uncontrollably they fell over onto the bed tears falling from their eyes as their lungs ached

"Oh god this is terrible!" Draco cackled as Harry nodded in response after about 5 minutes of uncontrollable laughter they sat up pain stricken

"Oh bloody hell" Harry sighed as he tried to catch his breath

"Yep this is how I lived all last year" Draco sucked in a breath letting it out solemnly

"How'd you do this all last year?" Harry panted

"Yeah being forced to do the dark lords bidding really puts you in a depressive state" Draco looked away as Harry's breathes regulated

"I- I should have been there" he finally said looking at Draco putting a hand on his shoulder

"It wouldn't have mattered you would have hated me" Draco smiled painfully at the memory of it they sat quietly until he spoke up again

"Doing that. I wanted to forget, I drank I did a lot of stupid shit and after I was drunk I wanted to forget and drinking just made it spin in my mind even more that I was serving a murderer and that you might be dead and in a last resort to feel something pansy whipped this up" Draco chuckled softly hugging himself

"I'm sorry-" Harry tried but Draco just stood and wiped his face with his sleeve

"Never mind sorry you've given me the tendency to overshare" he smiled

"Come on I need to brush my teeth"

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