Bitch Boy

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"Draco." Lucius said as his drunken son hugged Harry from behind. He narrowed his eyes at the scene but he spoke regardless

"H-Have you thought about. O-Our proposition" Lusius stammered at the thought

"Tsk tsk father you're acting very un-malfoyish" Draco chuckled nuzzling his face in Harry's neck. Harry elbowed the drunken boy but he didn't move

"Draco what's he talking about?" Harry asked blushing softy as Ron and Mr. Malfoy stared at them

"Well, father thinks he can break the engagement between me and the Greengrass bitch" Draco smiled giving Harry kisses on his neck

"Draco language!"

"I speak English, Latin, and spanish." Draco said proudly letting Harry huff out a laugh

"Honestly father you forced me to learn the other two! You're to old for this world" Draco smirked

"Draco I am doing you a favor!-"

"Now Lucius. Let the boy be" Narcissa walked in behind the older Malfoy and kissed his cheek tenderly. Lusius sighed and looked away from his son who was kissing Harry way to much

"Dragon!" She smiled warmly opening her arms widely

"Mother!" Draco giggled and ran up to hug his mother swaying slightly

"How much have you had to drink?" She asked with a smile squishing Draco's cheeks

"Enough to ask me if I would marry him" Harry cut in and Ron gulped at the statement. Ron's eyes darted between the Malfoys and his bestfriend. In his mind he debated on weather he should defend Harry or leave

"Ima go mate." He said inching out past Lucius who eyed him

"He asked you? Already?" Lucius glared at his son who stuck his tongue out in a child like way. Harry bit back a laugh at his boyfriend's antics and nodded

"Yes. Yes I did. And he said yes!" Draco laughed and ran over to Harry who swallowed thickly.

"He heard me?" He thought as Draco hugged him tightly

"Draco." Harry said and Draco stopped. He didn't move

"You dont want to?" Draco's eyes welled up and Harry felt his heart break at the sight of it

"It's not that I don't want to! Its just you're really shitfaced right now. Take a nap and we'll talk about it when you're sobber" Draco pouted at Harry's words but nodded slowly

"Mummy! Harry says I have to sleep. So I'm gonna sleep!" Draco yelled at his mother who held back a snort.

"Okay dragon." She said and it took all of lusius strength not to laugh at how ridiculous his son was acting

"Gimmie a good night kiss!" Draco whined clinging onto Harry who was very red

"Uh. Draco maybe not in front of your par-" Harry relaxed and rolled his eyes at Draco who kissed him softy regardless. Harry kissed back as softy as he could

"Good night Draco" Harry said pulling away from his taller blond

"Good night" he murmured and sluggishly fell onto their bed and fell asleep on impact

"That was entertaining" Narcissa chuckled leaving a bright red Harry standing there and averting their gaze

"He's just showing off. He thinks it's funny that Mr. Malfoy over here doesn't like me" Harry glared at a sleeping Draco with a smile on his face.

"Oh yes. I know my dragon. Also have you stopped wearing your glasses?" Narcissa asked as lusius huffed at the small talk

"Yes and no. I wear contacts but I forget to take them out sometimes so it's back to the glasses" he stated awkwardly pointed at the night stand where his glasses rested

"He looks like an adorable Gryffindork!" Draco whined happily

"Draco shut up and go to sleep!" Harry hollered back. He could feel his entire face burn with embarrassment

"Anyway. How can we break the engagement with Greengrass?" Harry asked and he watched the Malfoys stiffen

"Well. Harry dear." Narcissa said as Mr. Malfoy decided to step out of the room.

"Maybe that weasley kid had a point when he left" he thought walking away from the embarrassing conversation they were about to have

"Draco seemed to jump right onto the bandwagon the minute we told him. But as you know his father isn't taking it well so he drank" Narcissa glanced at her son and then faced Harry

"You have to. Be wed. And paired" Narcissa felt her cheeks grow rosey

"We have to get married!" Harry blushed and Narcissa almost laughed at the fact that's what he focused on

"Yes. And paired" she smiled and examined Harry's face who scrunched up his nose in confusion

"Paired?" Harry asked rubbing his temples.

"Like a pair? We're dating already?" Harry said Narcissa sighed heavily at Harry's stupidity

"Merlin how are you this stupid?" She thought she opened her mouth to correct Harry when she was suddenly cut off by none other than Draco himself

"It means we have to have sex bitch boy" Draco laughed from his bed and Harry jumped at his words and stayed silent as Draco immediately fell asleep. His eyes widened and he looked at Narcissa who bit her lip

"Dont laugh. Dont laugh" she thought to herself as she watched Harry's face contort with confusion, anger, fear, love, and then finally shock


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