Can You Hear The Bells?

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Astoria Greengrass was sent to azkaban for a day so she could learn her lesson (requested by soon to be Mr. Malfoy-potter). She was kicked out of Hogwarts and put under house arrest for her crimes. As you can tell she was guilty. Pansy Parkinson had come up to the stand with a jar of Astorias memories and showed the entire court what she had done. Her trial had lasted months. Pansy and Blaise finally could speak about everything and they were Happy.

However it took longer for Harry and Draco to plan their wedding

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Draco mutterd searching for his bowtie

"Dragon calm down" Narcissa sighed taking a sip from her tea

"I can't believe you guys convinced me to be the bride! Draco malfoy a bride! Merlin you guys must have been insane!" He said blushing at his white suit

"Oh dragon you're being dramatic. You rather your father walk you down the aisle?" She smirked standing

"Absolutely not! He's the flower boy!" They both laughed as Pansy came through the door

"Draco Malfoy soon to be potter please fix your hair!" She said dropping the clipboard and scooped up the gel container and began to fix Dracos hair

"Geez pansy you seem more nervous that me" Draco chuckled. He was very scared of what was about to happen but having pansy more panicked than him made him feel a little better

"I'll fix the bow tie" his mother said happily standing in front of her son and fixing the white tie

"Oh Draco. You look so handsome" she smiled Draco returned it and Pansy whispered a

"Fuck yeah" and threw the gel behind her

"Okay lover boy! Are you ready?" She smiled Draco nodded and sighed.

"Ready as I'll ever be"
"Hey! hey! you !you! I don't like your girlfriend!" Ginny screeched

"I think you need a new one!" Harry sang back as he pulled on pants

"Hey! Hey! No way!" Ginny continued

"I can be your girlfriend!" Harry sang with a hug smile and fell on his face as the beat started. Ginny laughed and layed on his bed tears springing in her eyes

"Ouch!" He called buckling his belt

"Thanks for the help weasley!" Harry taunted

"You wanna fucking fight potter?" She chuckled they began to wrestle on the floor each throwing punches as hard as they could until Hermione walked in

"Oh Merlin! Ginny get off of him!" She yelled pulling the two apart

"Harry you basterd! Stop fooling around you're already behind schedule!" She yelled throwing his shoes at him and attempting to comb his hair she gave up and tied his tie. She stood back and admired her work

"Black works for you potter" Ginny smirked

"Thank you weasley I enjoy the color" he said back they both chuckled and Hermione huffed away a laugh

"Okay Mr. Potter soon to be Malfoy. Hurry up your bride is done already hes just setting up the flower boy" she smirked and Harry laughed

"Cant wait" he smiled
The wedding was small containing only a few friends, classmates and family

Ron stood proud by Harry who fixed his glasses (he had slept in his contacts)

"Nervous?" Neville asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Shhhh, I might throw up" Harry chuckled Hermione and pansy both laughed from the other side with Blaise smiling brightly. Then the music changed and played. Harry regretted not using the restroom before he had came.

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