And They Were Roommates

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Harry panted as he instinctively ran to the Gryffindor rooms, he stopped in front of the painting and thought. They had changed the sleeping arrangements, he slapped his forehead for being so dimwitted

"Harry!" Ron wheezed, Harry spun around a blush on his face

"Ah sorry guys I was excited to see if I got bunked with Ron again but they changed it we don't sleep here anymore" Harry was only half lying he had been thinking about assigned roommates the entire train ride to Hogwarts

"Yes" Hermione inquired also incredibly out of breath

"Come I'll take you" she huffed as Ron fell over

"Oh for Merlin's-!" She sighed and took out her wand levitating him

"Come now Harry" she wheezed still trying to catch her breath, Harry frowned, his friends were really out of shape. He giggled to himself he had spent all summer avoiding going home he was technically allowed to use magic out of school but every spell he wanted to produce would send him straight to Azkaban, so he did what he wishes he'd thought of, to begin with, go somewhere. He would take off and most of the time he was gone all day only coming back to sleep, he had spent a lot of that time jogging or heading to the gym, not for heavy workouts but he was indeed toned, he had even quit wearing the glasses, just not on this particular day because he fell asleep on the train with his contacts in and now his eyes were irritated.

"Ta daa~" Hermione smiled dropping Ron with a thud

"Oof!" He called as he landed flat on his back

"Sorry Ron" she smiled sheepishly

"Anyway" she continued waving off Ron, she turned to a statue and smiled

"Cherry pie!" She called, the statue's eyes opened and it slid back to reveal the entrance to the Gryffindor and Slytherin rooms, Harry sighed he hoped no one was in there yet. To his disappointment, all of the slytherdor was in there, with professor McGonagall shushing them

"Now students" she called after the chatter wouldn't die down they all shut up quick and stared at her

"I know you are excited but please listen, as you might have been told already most of the restrictions the other years have been lifted for you and every year up" she paused as people murmured

"You will be allowed to wander the halls after hours, but we don't want loud noises it should be a stroll or a hangout maybe, also as Mr. Malfoy had demonstrated during our dinner you are allowed alcoholic beverages" she glanced at Malfoy as Pansy giggled as he swayed back and forth and smiled

"But we don't want you drunk off your ass like Mr. Malfoy" she smiled as the entire room laughed, Harry chuckled but couldn't hide his blush when he heard her say, Mr. Malfoy, he began to think Mr. Malfoy potter? Mr. Potter Malfoy? Mr. Potter. He closed his eyes when he realized he had been staring at the blond, he needed to control himself they were enemies. Did they have to be?

"We will assign rooms however we do need to set restrictions I apologize" she began again

"Look for your name on the door it's all been done already, yes a girl might have a room with a boy if you don't approve of this mix you can come to me and I will assign a new one however same-sex chosen rooms will not be switched around" she dismissed them with more information on classes and when they would have a break, though Harry found it interesting it was a bit like muggle college. Some people had certain classes for things they wanted to do.

"Come on then Harry!" Ron pulled him

"There's no way we aren't bunking together!" He exclaimed Hermione right behind them she found her name first of course and gasped

"Uh, Ron?" She called


"We're bunking together" she turned to him with wide eyes

"W-what?" He stammered blushing lightly, harry giggled and hit Ron on the back

"Go crazy ya kids!" He yelled before sprinting away scanning rooms, when he finally came across his name his eyes widened beyond his lenses.

"Harry?" Malfoy arched an eyebrow as he found his name as well

"Harry?" He repeated stupidity staring at Malfoy

"Well I mean if we're going to share a room might as well be friends? Start over?" He said a blush on his pale skin.

"Course," he said smiling, bravery that's why he got into Gryffindor that's what he would represent, Harry extended a hand and Draco took it his blush intensifying

"Sorry I'm a bit tipsy-" he said falling over into Harry's arms, Harry blushed darkly as people passed by giving them weird looks

"Ah sorry to block the hall! Eh Malfoys had one too many" he smiled as he dragged Malfoy into the room

"Damn you're light as a feather," Harry stated matter factly he examined his new roommate he felt like he had started working out a toned body just peeking through, Harry froze when the boy nuzzled his face in Harry's chest

"You're so warm" he whined softly, Harry bit back a smile and placed the boy onto the bed with green covers

"Mmmm" he protested as Harry took a blanket and covered the small frame of the boy.

"Good night m- Draco" Harry smiled staggering to his bed with red sheets and falling on to the soft mattress, he stared off into the direction of Draco, quiet, still, beautiful. He smiled

"This is going to be an odd year," he thought happily burrowing his face in his pillow he thought for a second and reached for his wand on his nightstand making his pillow into a body pillow and snuggling it close to his body wrapping his legs around it and hugging it tightly 

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