lover boy?

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The next day Harry woke before Malfoy, he was a morning person he didn't have classes until the afternoon and he had become accustomed to morning jogs he went to the bathroom in their room and brushed his teeth put on his contacts, and changed into his work out clothes he stepped out of the room to see a very hungover Malfoy sitting on the bed

"Well good morning lover boy!" He chimed waltzing over to his bed to slip on his joggers

"L-Lover boy?" Malfoy replied blushing deeply

"Well if the ice princess is in love we gotta address you as that" Harry chuckled standing and stretching

"P-Princess?" Malfoy couldn't believe it, he and Harry Potter were having playful banter!

Could he tell his father about this?

"I'd love to stay and chat but I have a jog to get to and I have classes later so I'll talk to you later!" He blushed softly and winked at the silver-eyed boy before stepping out of the room. Malfoy sat on the bed bewildered

"Did Potter just wink at me?" He whispered rubbing his face furiously to try and shame away from the very clear blush on his face

"Whatever," he thought, standing and doing his morning business he didn't have classes until the afternoon so he had nothing else to do, Draco had returned to Hogwarts to become a professor he was always fond of potions, and now that snape was.... gone. He wanted to make him proud. Malfoy reached for his robes that were neatly folded on top of Harry's Gryffindor ones. He got dressed and strolled out of the room locking it with a charm only he could open, not thinking much of it of course. He walked to the library where he saw two of the golden trio sitting together with pansy

"Hey, pans!" He called and sat next to her she smiled at him and laid a small peck on his cheek

"Hello, darling!" She responded leaning on him

"Anyway Granger" they began to speak again as Draco glanced at the redhead who sat behind Hermione

"Hello Weasley, how have you been?" He said sheepishly, Ron glanced at him and gaped

"Fine," he said looking away towards the window and looked down

"Oi look there's Harry!" He chimed quickly, Hermione paused and leaned over to look

"Oh yeah!" She smiled fondly, pansy looked to and pulled Malfoy with her, his eyes grew wide at the sight, his hair was matted to his forehead sweat drenched his clothes with his flushed face. Malfoy watched carefully as he pulled up his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face to reveal his perfectly toned stomach, but Draco's eyes didn't stop there. His eyes wandered down to Harry's low hanging basketball shorts that revealed a delicious V line

"How many girls do you think fainted right now?" Ron cackled as Hermione and pansy giggled along, Draco blushed and buried his face in Pansy's robes, the image could not leave his mind and it was terrible.

"Say Malfoy?" Hermione called, the blond looked up at the wild-haired girl in acknowledgment

"Why did you come back?" She asked no resent in her voice what so ever

"I-" Malfoys words caught in his throat he coughed and smiled at the Gryffindor

"I want to become a professor"

"Oh? For what?" She asked happily

"Potions, how about you two why did you return to Hogwarts?" He asked in return

"Ah, I've returned to be a professor as well! Specifically Defense Against The Dark Arts!" She gushed

"And you, r- Weasley," Malfoy asked

"I and Ron are going to go be arours!" Harry chimed as he walked in, shiny skin and all

"Hello, Harry!" Hermione smiled

"mione" Harry addressed

"Hello, handsome!" Ginny smiled walked up to Harry, Malfoy frowned and turned away

"Ginny! Hey, how's it going?" Harry asked stiffly as Ginny went in to kiss him, he pushed her away almost a bit disguised

"Wha- Harry!?" She whined, Malfoy rolled his eyes glancing at them, Harry looked incredibly uncomfortable

"Uh sorry Ginny I'm a bit sweaty so," he said a lame excuse

"Oh, I don't care how sweaty you are!" She said stepping closer.

"So Harry what brings you to the library?" Draco asked almost like in a panic

"Actually" Harry responded immediately, Ginny glared at Malfoy bitterly

"I've seemed to be locked out of my room lover boy, mind-opening it for me?" He said chuckling softly, Ginny huffed staring at Malfoy

"Harry, you do know Malfoys a fag right?" She smirked, Dracos heart fell to his stomach as he snuggled his face into Pansy's back

"What?" Malloy's head shot up. He stared at Harry, eyes wide with emotions, he felt water run down his face and he stood he sniffed and looked up at them

"Filthy cheater, don't you dare speak my name your abomination of a witch, you don't get too out me when you are nothing but a whore!" Every word Draco spoke had nothing but venom dripping from it, he glanced at Harry and his eyes softened for only a second before he glared at him again and stormed out of the library

"And as I said before potter, I don't need your pity" was the last thing he said before slamming the library's doors shut.

Harry turned to Ginny angrily, letting a loud hardy slap fall from his hand and impact Ginny's face.

"You do understand I'm bisexual right!?" Harry spat, Ginny's eyes began to water

"I-" she began

"No don't... don't say anything, I'll discuss this with you later," Harry said storming out, yelling for Malfoy. Ginny turned to her brother her eyes pleading, but only received glares from the three who sat there

"Ginny, what the hell is wrong with you?" Ron spat as he pulled Hermione up with pansy on their heels

"You fucking bitch!" Pansy yelled pulling out her wand

"She's not worth the magic pans" Hermione sighed pulling her out of the library they slammed the door leaving Ginny alone and lost

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