curious pansy

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Ginny pulled pansy into a bar and pansy felt sick. If she met this person. He would know what was going on. If he was a slytherin he wouldn't be so stupid to act dumb he'll hit and run.

Ginny sat down in a table and Pansy sat next to her noticing Ron and Hermione on a date she smiled to herself. They were cute together.

"We met here." Pansy turned to the red head who's eyes were tearing up

"Don't push yourself just slow down and tell me what you feel most comfortable telling me." Ginny nodded and wiped her eyes she glanced at her brother and sighed

"I- I dont even know where to begin. During the summer I met this really nice boy he seemed fun and I didn't have many friends. With Harry being busy I went out with Luna a lot or you know had fun" pansy nodded and ordered drinks for her and Ginny

"Then one day he invited me to go get some drinks. I didn't wanna go alone because he had told me he had feelings for me. But I went anyway with Ron promising he would pick me up." She paused and glanced at her brother again

"It started off fine we talked and had the time of our lives but then he got serious." Pansy arched her eyebrow and listened

"He started talking crud about Draco. Said he was en embarrassment to slytherins. And then he asked me if I had a boyfriend. I had told him before that yeah I did. He asked me who it was so I told him. He smiled softly but seemed to have flinched when I said his name"

"Potter? That useless boy?" Ginny imitated and Pansy frowned.

"I got up angry and was about to leave I could see Ron coming and then he grabbed me and he kissed me. After that I didn't have control over my body. I could see everything I was doing but I couldn't control any of it" pansy listened in shock

"So. When you attacked Draco?" Pansy exclaimed and Ginny nodded nervously

"I saw what I did to him. And I fought all that I could but I just didn't win. And Harry oh Merlin Harry." Ginny began to sob and pansy felt her heart drop

"Ginny." Pansy sighed and hugged her

"We're gonna get to the bottom of this." Ginny wept, she had been forced to act like a snob. She knew her brother hated her. She knew everyone hated her. And yet she was almost relieved to see them push her out of the way. It was almost liberating to see how happy they could be even with inconveniences like this. She sniffed and pulled away from pansy who seemed remarkably uncomfortable

"Sorry I'm not used to crying." Ginny chuckled and wiped away at the tears on her cheek

"Pansy!!!!" Ginnys heart felt like it was going to explode

"Hey Blaise! What's up?" She smirked giving him a flick on the nose and he laughed at

"The sky idiot." The two began to wrestle and Ginny felt like she was going to throw up

"You." She whispered carefully and pansy turned to her eyes wide. Blaise stared at them confusion on his face

"You. You made me attack Harry!" She screamed the entire bar turned to look at them and Blaise looked at her Pansy took a step back.

"Blaise? No. He wouldn't. He couldn't. He would never do something like this." She thought as they were being escorted out of the bar for disturbing the other customers

Once outside they all stood there as if in a Mexican stand off


"Blaise. Tell me it isn't true." Pansy said staring at her friend

"What isn't true? I have no idea about what you guys are talking about." Pansy relaxed. If Blaise had done something like this he would have come clean by now there's no reason to keep it a secret at this point.

"We need to see McGonagall right now. I'll explain everything on the way" she took Ginnys hand and beckoned Blaise and they began to walk their way to the castle confusion resting uneasily on their shoulders.

"Why do you think they were together?" Harry asked scooping potatoes onto his plate watching Malfoy tense

"I don't know." He finally said after a second he looked around

"There aren't a lot of people here today" he said propping his feet on the table and leaning on Harry's frame

"Yeah their all down at Hogsmed" Harry shrugged and continued to eat

"Harry. I think something's wrong" Draco sighed

"When isn't there?" Draco sat up and hit Harry's shoulder

"This is serious. I think something's wrong with the weaslet. I mean Ginny" Harry bit his lip. It was kind of weird that Ginny suddenly changed like that.

"Well if anyone is gonna know anything it's Parkinson. They were together" Harry suggested pushing his plate away

"No. She's going to explain everything later. But she can be stingy with details. We need to talk to Hermione and Ron" Draco stood and cast a spell to hid the damn hickeys Harry had left

"Really Draco? Sore loser" Harry laughed only gaining a smack on the head. They stood and made their way to Hermione and Ron's bedroom.
"Don't you think that was weird ron?" Hermione sighed as they walked into the castle

"Obviously Hermione. I've been avoiding her ever since she attacked Harry and Draco." Ron bit his lip and Hermione held his hand

"Well if she thinks Blaise made her she could have been spelled. She's with pansy so if we come up with theories right now, we can test them with pansy" Hermione suggested and Ron nodded quietly. They both talked about what they had seen all the way to their room only to see Harry and Draco waiting there hands intertwined and eyebrow furrowed.

"Bloody hell" Ron sighed heavily

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