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*warning! Sensitive content up ahead! Read with caution*

The two spent the rest of the morning in the library happily though the words Draco had said to Harry kept him thinking quite a bit

"Hey potter!" Draco called as he was running to him with a book in his hands when a sudden spell hit him and he fell to the floor unable to move

"Draco!" Harry exclaimed running over to him but before he could even get close to him Ginny took a step in front of him

"Harry!" She smiled

"plastic" Harry thought starring at her smile as he tried moving past her

"Harry" she said again drawing her wand

"Don't move" she began a twisted smiled playing at her lips

"Ginny stop this isn't funny" Harry frowned as he tried to push past her again

"I'm not laughing am I?" She snarled shoving him onto the wall and putting her wand to his throat

"Mmm Harry, you did terrible things didn't you? Thinking things you shouldn't think about friends" she smiled her breath smelt of strawberry bubble gum

"Ginny please he's in pain" Harry croaked as the smile on Dracos lips were paralyzed like porcelain

"No see he's smiling!" She cackled

"Ginny let me go I don't wanna hurt a friend!" Harry demanded as he began to slowly reach for his wand

"Oh! But you already have! everything that happens right now is your fault! Everything, because you can only watch." She sneered paralyzing him just as he wrapped his hand around his wand and true to her word Harry saw everything the moment she pulled out a knife and carved on Dracos skin and Harry knew it was right where his dark mark was

"Filthy death eater, filthy pig, filthy gay, filthy. filthy. filthy." She chanted as Harry stared at Draco's eyes that screamed pain but his face remained smiling making Harry stomach churn and then she stood happily flicking blood onto Dracos face

"Oh don't look so sad Harry" she smiled licking it

"He tasted wonderful" she smiled and waltzed away happily, Harry watched as Draco bled, and bled, and bled, he wanted to scream, run, anything to help him but he couldn't and he watched his remarkable eyes lose color along with his skin

"Harry oh my god!" Harry's eyes flicked around to see a familiar crazy haired girl

"Hermione!" He thought as she pulled out her wand and recited an incantation that allowed both Draco and Harry to move the second they did Draco let out a terrible painful scream that rang through the room and bounced off the walls

"Draco!" Harry gasped scurrying towards him

"Oh Merlin" he cupped the boys face as the boys smile faltered

"It feels like last year all over again" he cackled as Hermione recited a spell to levitate him

"Don't worry Potter many people have attempted to kill me this year, though this is the first time you've witnessed sorry you had to see that" Draco's eyes began to water as Hermione ran with him not far behind Harry ran after them mind racing

"How could Ginny do this? This wasn't the first time someones attacked him?" He felt anger boil in his stomach at the thought of anyone hurting Draco

"Madam pomfrey!" Hermione yelled as the lady jumped and saw Draco

"Oh my! potter what have you done!" She gasped asking Hermione to place him on a bed

"It wasn't me it was-" Harry began

"No one, no one did it just you know mad people. We don't know who it was" Draco jump in wincing as blood oozed from his arm, Harry turned to him eyes wide

"Why wouldn't he say anything?" He thought bitterly crossing his arms and turning away

"Alright thank you Ms. Granger, Mr. Potter." Madam pomfrey nodded at them ushering them out as Harry still fumed

"I'm gonna kill her" Harry spat as Hermione trailed behind him

"Who?" She asked worried at the thought of murder

"Ginny, I'm going to kill her" Harry said again venom dripping in every word

"Ginny did this!?" Hermione gasped not thinking she would go that far, she held Harry's hand for a second keeping him from walking any further as she furrowed her eyebrows

"We need to talk to her, or better yet Ronald will do it" she said finally coming up with plan

"No I wanna go!" Harry protested

"Harry look at me" Hermione said sternly taking a hold on of Harry's face

"I know you have a crush on him and you've had it for a while but this is something Ron will be able to control" Harry blushed at the mention of his feelings sighing and turning away

"He doesn't like me back ya know" Harry smiled awkwardly

"He told me, he has feelings for someone" Hermione sighed and rested her hand on his back in an attempt to comfort him


"Awhile ago I havent brought it up since" Harry adjusted his glasses an awkward tick he had done for a while now

"How do you know if he still likes them?" Hermione asked as they continued to walk

"I don't know I don't get into his life it's not my business" Harry shrugged seeing a particular red head

"Well if it's a casual conversation and he's willing to tell you it dosen't matter" Hermione glanced to the side

"Did you see that?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows

"Harry" Hermione whined, Ginny weasley was following them

"Mione!" Harry hissed as she pulled him closer to her and teleported them to the statue

"Cherry pie" she whispered carefully and cautiously pulling Harry into the entrance

"Harry control your self!" Hermione hissed pulling him through the common room and up the stairs to the bedrooms uncaring of all the eyes

"Ronald!" She yelled as she threw Harry down on the bed

"Yeah!?" He responded immediately from the bathroom

"We have a problem!" She responded as Ron poked his head from the bathroom door to see Harry shaking with anger and Hermione pursing her lips

"Oh bloody hell"

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