caught red handed

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"Dragon" Astoria whined hugged Draco

"Tory" he said bitterly

"Why haven't you given me your mother ring?" She said frowning. It had been a couple of weeks after Draco had his conversation. And today was the day they put their plan into action

"I dont have it" he said glancing at Harry who was fiddling around his hands under the table

"Why not!" She exclaimed

"Astoria don't test me!" Draco yelled earning stares from the hall he caught his breath as Astorias eyes got watery

"Draco! Don't yell at me you filthy death eater!" Draco choked. He sneered at Astoria who seemed to realize what she had said

"Pansy please tell me you have it" he yelled pansy stood and nodded

"I have it" everyone was staring at them in confusion

"Astoria Greengrass. You will be sent to the ministry of magic for spelling a fellow student. And then forcing that student to doing the same. You will also be tried for plotting against Draco Malfoy. And me Harry potter" Harry said holding his wand up.

"What are you talking about!?" She sneered standing from the bench she was sitting on

"Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of magic. Choose your next words very wisely" Harry smirked and Draco smiled at him

"You're just jealous because Draco loves me and not you. You're upset because he's my fiance" she smirked and Harry glanced at pansy who nodded

"You are wanted for spelling another student and making them do the same to another causing mental and physical issues" Harry smirked as Astorias smile falterd

"You dont have proof" she said. The entire hall was silent even the teachers were staring in wonder

"Pansy Parkinson please play what Astorias own sister said" Harry said. Pansy raised her wand and it began to shine

"Pansy was mad. Draco told her that he never and would never love her. She spelled Blaise zambini and then made him do the same to Ginny weasley. She knew Draco had feelings for Harry Potter so she thought if he could get him Harry, he would realize that Harry wasnt worth his time and that Draco really loved her. But it didn't work out that way. She started writing letters to Harry telling him he was worthless and that Draco loved her instead." Pansy lowerd her wand and smiled as she gestured for Ron and Hermione to stand up.

"You could have altered that. My sister would never say anything like that!" Harry sighed at Astorias words and then chuckled

"Astoria Greengrass you are here by detained. More evidence will be used at your trial" Harry said and flicked his wand tying her up wordlessly

"He's still my fiance it doesn't matter if he loves me or not. We are engaged" she spat

"But we're not" Draco said softly

"We are! We were arranged!" She argued

"Were." Draco said

"We never did the terms of weddings or anything." Draco blushed and glanced at Harry

"I didn't propose. I never gave you my family's engagement ring." He said as Astoria thrashed around

"So? It doesn't matter you have to!"

"I don't because I've already given it to someone else" Draco rolled his eyes as the entire hall gasped like it was a soap opera

"Who is this bitch?" She sneered

"Me you dumb bitch. You know the one that's jealous because you and Draco are 'together'" Harry said showing off the ring with a small emerald engraved in the center surrounding in silver and the gold magically set to Harry's name

"No!" She yelled

"Harry Potter damn basterd you think you're so smart! You cant do anything to me! You'll get thrown in azkaban for even touching me!" She yelled the entire hall began to murmer

"Ron grab her" Harry ordered

"Yes captain" Ron saluted and raised her to her feet

"Captain?" Astoria gasped

"Yeah. You know fighting in a war for your entire life and demolishing lord Voldemort. It gets you positions easily. I don't like taking advantage of that. That's why I'm here. But you seemed to have caused a lot of trouble for us. So I finally told them I would be one of their arours. But you know because I'm so advanced. I'm captain. Ronald weasley has the right to grab you he is an official arour." Harry said proudly

"Everything you say can and will be held against you and now you have added to the list by disrespecting ministry officials" she squeaked and resisted. Draco stood in front and looked at her in her eyes

"Astoria Greengrass. I may have the dark mark on my arm. But you have bitch in your heart. And I cant be bothered with you. Because you are a filthy human" he spat out smirking at her

"Harry love. We dont want filth at out wedding. But I wanna see her face when I kiss your handsome face. What do you think?" Draco asked and Harry smiled at his stupid finance

"Sorry lover boy we don't want trash at a wedding" Draco nodded and stood aside as Ron walked over to Harry and they both disappeared. Draco sighed and shook his head sitting next to pansy and Hermione they began to talk ignoring the complete silence in the hall and the eyes that reminded Draco a lot of the owls.

"I'm the maid of honor right?" Pansy giggled

"Yes Parkinson technically you are my maid of honor even though I'm not the bride"

"You are the bride!" Hermione squealed

"Also I'm a bridesmaid" she smiled. Pansy leaned onto Blaise who shook his head

"You're my best man don't worry" Draco winked at him. He smiled and nodded

"Oi can you guys stop staring at me! You'll have to wait for invitations!" Draco hollered the entire hall turned away and began to chat among themselves

"Woah that worked" he said. Every one of them began to laugh and Draco felt himself float in happiness

He didn't care who saw him smile because Harry bleeding potter was his fiance

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