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I really shouldn't.

If I click this, then I will never be able to look at Harry Styles the same way again. I should just exit out and ignore that conniving devil on my shoulder whispering, "But he promised the kinkiest of kinks. You like kinks," because yes, yes I do like kinks, but NO. NO I DO NOT like my friend since grade school's kinks. That is an off limits zone, as shown by the adult content warning on my laptop screen.

Speaking of adult; I am not one. Therefore, I should not proceed. I really, honestly, truly, should not click continue.

Damn it all. I just have to know.

• • •


Lipstick Boy - chapter six

"Are you sure about this?"

Jax nodded so fast that Sam was certain he nearly snapped his neck. "Yes, God."

"You look hot." Sam said as he helped Jax down onto the bed, fitting his knees between Jax's legs. "That purple color on your lips looks-

• • •

"Hey, Niall?"

I slam my laptop shut and throw it across my bed. "I wasn't doing anything!" Smooth, Niall. Smooth.

Harry gives me a look and taps on the doorframe, but doesn't mention my spaz attack. "Have you done English yet?"

"Reading or...erm... the essay?" Words. I can use them.

"Both, I guess. More so reading, though. I haven't even started, and I can't connect to wifi for some reason."

"I read."

"Well," Harry looks at me expectantly. "Can you tell me what happens?"


"Oh," He messes with his hair, staring at the wall behind me. "Have you seen Louis then?"

I swallow. "I'm kidding, Harry."

"Oh." He looks at me again. "Oh. Great. Thanks." He pauses for an awkward moment. "So, could you tell me?"

"Right." I hop off of my bed to grab the book from my dresser, as a reference point. Harry decides it's a wise idea to sit on my bed and grab my pillow. Shit, it's a The Wonders pillow, and my God, he's going to notice, and he's going to realize that I like them, then he's going to talk to me about it, and then he's going to realize that I read his fan fiction, and he's going to know that I'm a dirty minded idiot, and he's never going to talk to me again, and it's going to ruin my reputation, and I'm not going to have any friends anymore, and it's going to-

"Are you going to tell me?" Harry intercepts my train of thoughts and brings me back to the real world. I don't like the real world. In the real world, I'm staring at my friend whose fetishized fantasies I read.

That's it. I'm going to hell.


"Oh, right. Right. Yeah, I'm going to tell you about the book, and reading. Reading is nice."

Harry looks at me with concern in his eyes. "Are you high?"

"No, I swear. I'll even pee in a cup for you to prove it." I did not...

"That's okay." I did. Harry is so uncomfortable. Harry is uncomfortable? Wait a minute, what about ME?

"I wasn't going to do it anyway, so." I attempt to pass it off as a joke, but right now I am incapable of doing anything helpful. I can't stop picturing Harry's story and our conversations, and oh my God. Not to sound like a total tool, but I could get Harry off so easily. I know all his sexual secrets.

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