Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

It was a long walk and her ankle was throbbing by the time Willa made it into town. She knew she needed to take a few days to rest but she wasn't going to do that here.

She needed to get away from this town and the promise it had held. Her heart ached with the loss of the brother she had never known.

Willa quickly decided she would leave town and find a place to camp while her ankle healed, Solitude was what she needed just now. There were supplies that needed restocking before she left so after getting her horse from the livery, Willa headed for the mercantile.

Being in a hurry, Willa kept it short and sweet in the store. She gathered up what she needed, paid the store keep, and headed for the door. As soon as she stepped out into the fading sun, a chill went down her spine.

Unsure of what had caused the sensation, she turned toward her hitched horse and made several steps toward it before being deafened by a revolver shot. Instantaneously, she was blinded by pain as a bullet slammed into her back.

"I'll kill you, Willamena!" Harvey Dougal, her horses original owner called out from behind her as Willa fell to her knees.

She was bleeding heavily and pain made breathing difficult. Willa pulled her gun from her holster, and with shaking hands turned and fired one shot at Harvey just as his second shot whizzed past her head and lodged into the wooden post behind her.

Willa's aim was true and the bullet slammed into Harvey's forehead—killing him.

Her strength quickly failing, Willa fell onto the mud and laid there in the street as people yelling filled the air. Damn Harvey Dougal and his damn horse. Hell, she'd have given him the ornery beast back if he'd asked! But instead that brave brave man had shot her in the back and probably killed her.

As her vision began to blur and her eyes became harder to hold open, Willa heard a man close to her yell, "Someone get Maria. If anyone knows about bullet wounds, it's her!"


Eleanor was just putting supper on the table for Jeb, Gill, and Preston when the sound of an approaching horse alerted them all to a visitor.

Gill stepped out onto the porch. "Marshall Silas," he greeted. "What brings you out here so late?"

Jeb quickly joined Gill on the porch while Eleanor felt her anxiety rise and she pulled her shawl tighter. She hoped no one was in trouble.

"Maria sent me out here. She wanted me to tell you that the woman Jane knocked unconscious and brought to your house earlier today was just shot in the back in town. She's at Maria's place but it isn't looking good."

Eleanor's heart dropped. She didn't want Willa to die.

"Shit..." Gill mumbled.

Jeb let out a sigh. "I'll go."

Gill seemed surprised. "Why?"

"For Willie. That's his sister and he'd want me to go and see if there's anything I can do."

"Okay." Gill relented. "Just be careful. I'll stay here with Eleanor and Preston."

Eleanor chewed on her lip and gathered her courage. She stepped to the door. "I want to come with you, Jeb."

Jeb's eyes widened. "You do?"

She nodded, knowing it was unusual for herself to request a trip to town. She never went to town. Eleanor crossed her arms tightly around herself. "I might be able to help Maria."

"Take her with you, Jeb. Hell, Zachariah will be happy knowing his sister got out for a while."

The next thing Eleanor knew she was on ahorse and heading for town. Anxiety ate at her stomach but she knew this was somethingshe had to do. She had to do what she could to save Willa.

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now