Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"Where are we walking to?" Eleanor asked after they'd been walking in silence a while.

Willa shrugged. "Hell, I don't know." She looked all around them at the wide expanse of land. "I have no idea where we even are."

Eleanor pointed toward a tree a short distance away. "Let's get in some shade."

Her stomach was twisted in nearly painful knots as they walked. What was Willa going to say? What would she want from her? Eleanor kicked herself for not staying hidden in the loft. She should have stayed in the loft.

Once they were under the shade of the tree, Eleanor crossed her arms tight around herself and chewed at her lip. Willa leaned against the tree, clearly taking pressure of her side. "You shouldn't be doing so much walking," Eleanor scolded gently.

Willa waved off her concern. "I'm okay."

Silence fell again. Eleanor wondered what they were doing out here if Willa wasn't going to speak. Finally, the silence was broken. "Your brother seems real protective of you."

Eleanor shrugged. "He has his reasons."

Willa nodded, glancing over the horizon. "I'm guessing it has something to do with why you're afraid of people?"

Eleanor's eyes widened. "What do you know about that?"

"Just that you were kidnapped and held captive by a gang. Wyatt too."

Eleanor heart thundered in her chest. Memories of that horrible time filled her mind. Breathing became hard. Suddenly, Willa was directly in front of her. One of her hands took hold of one of Eleanor's and one went to Eleanor's cheek.

"Calm down, Ellie. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I said anything... You gotta breathe...."

Slowly, with Willa's fingers gently stroking her cheek and wrist, Eleanor's breathing returned to normal. The world came back into focus. She found herself looking into brown eyes flecked with gold. Focusing on those eyes and Willa's voice still offering soothing words, sent a wave of calm over Eleanor—never had she felt anything that soothed her so thoroughly.

"Can I be honest with you, Ellie?" Willa whispered, their bodies so close that mere inches separated them.

Eleanor nodded but she was unable to form words. Willa leaned closer, laying her forehead against Eleanor's. "You've got me all twisted up inside and I ain't never felt this way before."

"I do?"

"You do. You make me want to think about puttin' down roots for the first time in my life."

Swallowing hard, Eleanor pulled away. "I do?"

Willa rubbed at the back of her neck and nodded. "You do. Hell, I ain't even known you more than a week so it really is crazy, ain't it?"

Eleanor wanted to tell her that yes she was crazy but the lie wouldn't come. Willa had her thinking thoughts of forever that she'd never thought of before too. "No.." she managed to whisper. "No, it's not crazy."

Willa smiled brighter than the early morning sun. "I'm real glad to hear that." She reached out and tucked a stray hair behind Eleanor's ear.

Eleanor wanted to be with Willa but it wasn't that easy. Willa had told her stories about her life and Eleanor didn't think the woman would truly be happy settling in one place... and Eleanor could never be happy traveling.

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now