Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

        "Watch where you're going, will ya?" Willa demanded.

        Eleanor sighed and smiled apologetically at the harassed husband and wife from where she sat in her wheelchair. "She means excuse us."

        Willa grumbled and bent low, kissing Eleanor's dark hair. "That's not what I meant."

        They shared a loving smile before Willa began pushing her through the crowd once more.

        Several weeks had passed since the knife had nearly taken Eleanor's life. She was still weak, her voice was still little more than a whisper and she still found breathing to be difficult, but she was going to live.

        Sure, Maria had warned her that her breathing would probably never be the same, her energy level might not recover, and she might always struggle with walking far or exerting herself, but none of that mattered. She had her life and for that she was thankful. She still had time to spend with her family and she still had a life to live with Willa.

        She no longer feared that Willa would grow bored of their life and leave her. It was clear, especially with the woman's devotion over the last several weeks, that Willa was with her to stay. It seemed that Willa's loyalty was greater than both her stubbornness and her temper—which was saying something.

        Cheers and applause rang out among the crowded streets. Eleanor was uneasy, yes, but she knew she was safe. The entire family had gathered in town because today was the day of the fair that Preston would ride.

        Eleanor wouldn't have missed it for the world. Even though Maria hadn't been pleased with her leaving the house so soon, Eleanor had known she had to. Preston was special to her and she didn't want to let him down.

        Willa managed to get Eleanor close enough to the ring set up in town that she could see the riders easily. "Are you okay?" Willa asked, kneeling down beside her.

        Eleanor smiled and was amazed at the amount of love shining out of those gold flecked eyes. "I'm just fine, Willa."

        Eleanor had more fun than she'd had in a long time as she watched all the riders doing their tricks. When it was Preston's turn, she wished she could cheer like the others but wasn't able. Instead she clapped for all she was worth and when his eyes had found hers, he'd smiled proudly.

        Preston was talented and all his practice had clearly paid off. He and that pony wowed everyone in the crowd as they raced around the ring.

        After the event was over, Preston came to her. "Did you see me, Eleanor?" he exclaimed, his breathing a bit labored. "Me and my pony gave one hell of a show."

        "Watch your language," Jeb scolded as he and Gill walked up looking as proud as any pas had ever looked.

        "You did wonderful, Preston. I'm proud of you," Eleanor assured him.

        They stood talking a while but Eleanor felt herself growing more and more tired. She'd had more excitement today than she'd had in weeks.

        Clearly, Willa noticed. "Alright, I'm getting Ellie back to Maria's so she can rest."

        Preston hugged her as tight as he dared. Gill and Jeb both bid them goodbye and then she was being wheeled back through the crowd and down the street with Willa hollering for folks to get out of the way.

        Eleanor just smiled and leaned back in her wheelchair. She loved her woman with all her heart—even if her manners were lacking.

        As they sat together on Maria's front porch that night and watched the fireworks display lighting up the sky, Eleanor laid her head on Willa's shoulder. "Did you know that I used to worry a lot?"

        Willa grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers. "Worry about what?"

        "That you would grow bored of me." Eleanor's voice was weak but she knew that Willa would hear everything she said even over the fireworks display lighting up the night.

        Willa looked down at her and frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

        Eleanor sighed. "You lived such an exciting life," She took a short breath. "I worried life with me wouldn't keep you."

        Willa grumbled under her breath and pulled Eleanor's hand to her lips, kissing her gently. "You foolish woman. Nothing could drag me away from you. And what's wrong with the life we live?"

        "You're going to have to take care of me forever..." Eleanor reminded her, her chest aching as she spoke more than she had in a long while.

        Willa nodded. "Damn right I will. That's what you do when you love someone, Ellie. I told you this was a forever thing between us and that's exactly what it is. I won't turn tail and run now. You, this life we have, it means everything to me. When I thought you had died..." Willa shivered. "I just thank the stars you didn't, Ellie."

        "So, you won't be bored?"

        Willa gave her hand a squeeze and kissed her brow. "Never. My life is plenty exciting. I'm a blackjack dealer. I teach trick riding to Preston. I help Jeb and Gill with their horses. And I get to go to sleep next to you every night and wake up to your pretty face every morning. There ain't a thing in the world any better than that."

        Eleanor felt a tear slip down her cheek. She really had been foolish to have so little faith in Willa not long ago. "I love you, Willamena. Forever."

        Willa captured her lips in a tender kiss that made Eleanor all but glow upon her chair. "And I love you, Ellie. Forever."

A/N: And we've reached the end of 'The Outlaw and the Lady'. I really hope you enjoyed the story. The fifth and final installment in this series is 'An Outlaws Weakness'

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now