Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"You seem to be in a good mood," Gill noted the next morning as Eleanor hummed and placed food on a plate to take to Willa.

She flushed and fell silent, though she couldn't fully rid her face of the smile curving it. "I am."

Preston pushed his glasses up on his nose. "I think it's got something to do with the barn guest."

Her blush deepened and she didn't say a word.  What could she say? Eleanor was not a practiced liar so denying Preston's words was fruitless. Her good mood had everything to do with Willa.

She was so happy for the other woman. She had heard the conversations on the porch the night before. Eleanor had chosen to stay inside and give Willa that time to learn about her brother. She was so grateful to Jeb and Gill for giving that to the woman. And she was grateful to Willa for swallowing her hurt and allowing herself to listen.

"Leave her alone," Jeb spoke up from the table. "It's good she's finally making a friend other than a fourteen year old bookworm." He ruffled his son's hair and the boy simply shrugged and went back to reading the book in his hand.

Footsteps on the porch announced visitors just before Pete, Jane, and Willie came in. "Who's got a friend?" Pete asked, grabbing a strip of bacon off Gill's plate and plopping it into his mouth.

Gill grumbled and pulled his plate closer. "Eleanor."

Pete studied her a moment causing her to squirm a bit. "She's glowing. She's got the glow. Someone has more than a friend."

That got Jeb and Gill's attention. "Eleanor?" Jeb questioned.

Eleanor wished the floor would simply open up and swallow her whole. She finished making the plate and shook her head. "Of course not. I'm going to take Willa some breakfast and tend to her bandages."

With that she quickly slipped from the kitchen and out of the cabin. "I bet Willa is glowing too," Pete's voice reached her ears.

"Eleanor and Willa?" Jane's voice spoke up. "Surely not."

Their voices finally out of earshot, Eleanor took a moment to breathe and calm her heart. Was she truly glowing? Was it possible Willa was too? Eleanor shook her head. Of course not. Pete was never a person to take too seriously.

But Eleanor's doubts were quickly dashed when she opened the door to Willa's room and their eyes met. Willa's entire face seemed to light up as she smiled. "Good morning, Ellie."

Eleanor's brow creased. "Ellie?"

Willa nodded. "Everyone calls you Eleanor. I'm gonna call you Ellie."

"You can't simply change a person's name because you want to," Eleanor countered as she sat the plate of food on the small bedside table.

Willa shifted upon the bed and color rose on her freckled cheeks. "Sorry. Do you hate it? I won't call you that...."

Eleanor reached out and touched her shoulder gently. "No, I don't hate it. You can call me Ellie."

Willa's face lit up and once again both women simply stood there smiling at each other. It was Eleanor who finally came to her senses and broke the contact. "I need to tend to your wound and then you need to eat."

Willa nodded and without any of her usual grumbling, she turned and raised the back of her shirt. "Tend away."

As Eleanor began her job, trying desperately to ignore her growing aching want for her patient, she spoke. "You seem happier this morning."

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now