Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Eleanor laid the quilt she was working on in her lap and stretched out her aching fingers. She glanced toward the clock and realized it was supper time in the hotel diner. Willa had been summoned to work earlier than usual by the saloon owner so Eleanor was going to have to go down and get her supper alone.

She was braver now than she had once been and the thought of going down to the diner no longer frightened her. Rising from her chair, Eleanor laid her quilt and down on the bed and grabbed her shawl.

Wrapping it around her shoulders, Eleanor headed out of the hotel room. She didn't bother to lock the door behind her, knowing it would only make it more difficult to get back in with her tray of supper.

The hotel diner was busy, but Eleanor pulled her shawl tighter and walked up to the counter. The server, a kind older woman with graying hair, saw her and smiled. "You want your supper, dear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"You stay right there and I'll go back and get a tray ready for you." Everyone knew that Eleanor did not eat down in the diner alone. She might have gotten braver, but she still was not that comfortable in a crowd.

As Eleanor waited she did her best to ignore the people around her. She knew that some were watching her, she could feel their eyes. They whispered about the quiet native girl who stayed in the hotel with the flashy, loud black jack dealer.

A woman came to stand beside her. Eleanor frowned. She was familiar. When the woman turned to face her, Eleanor realized it was the blond, Casey, from the Cantina a few nights before.

"Hi!" Casey greeted brightly. "Eleanor, right?"


"Where is your woman friend. Wasn't her name Willa?"

Eleanor pulled her shawl tighter. She noticed the way that Casey's blue eyes didn't seem to match the friendliness of her tone. She remembered Willa's instant dislike of the woman. "She's working."

"What kind of work is there for a woman to do in this town?" Casey smoothed out her blue blouse. "I'm interested in sticking around but I don't a knack for many trades."

Eleanor saw the server returning with her tray of food. "She's the blackjack dealer at the Lucky Eight." Her tray of food was placed in her hands.

"I'll let you get back to your room, Eleanor." Casey's eyes traveled the length of her and Eleanor shivered. "Have a nice night."

Turning quickly, Eleanor all but raced up to her room. Something didn't feel right and all she wanted was to be locked safely away until Willa returned in the early morning hours.

She opened the door and froze. Standing on the fancy rug in mud covered boots were two men. Their cold eyes leered as she stood there trembling. Eleanor took a step back. She could run back downstairs and be safe.

Another step back and she felt something hard press into her side. "If you don't want me to shoot you, Eleanor, you'll be a good girl and get in the room."

Fear welled up inside of her as it became hard to breathe. Not again.... Casey shoved that gun harder into her side and Eleanor's stiff legs carried her into the room. Casey pushed the door closed and turned the lock.

"Put the tray down."

The plate and silverware upon the tray rattled with the intensity of Eleanor's trembling as she sat the tray on the table.

"I'm sure you're wondering what's going on so let me explain." Casey came around and pulled the cover off the plate. She wrinkled her nose at the sight of the steak, potatoes and beans. "My name is Casey Dougal. You might have heard of my brother, Harvey."

Harvey Dougal? The man who had nearly killed Willa. The man Willa had shot dead in the street.

"I can tell by the widening of your eyes that you know exactly who I'm talking about." Casey laid the cover back over the plate and folded her hands in front of her as the two men came to stand behind Eleanor. "Obviously, I want revenge. You, my dear, are going to help me get it."

Eleanor knew she should speak. Scream. Anything. But she couldn't. She stood there frozen, trembling, remembering the last time she'd been used for revenge.

"Horace, if you'd be so kind as to lay her on the bed, and Jake keep her quiet."

Eleanor's eyes widened when the men suddenly grabbed her. She opened her mouth to scream but a rough, dirty hand clamped over it as she was led to the bed and thrown down upon it, still rendered silent by the man who came down on top of her with his hand still firmly over her mouth.

Eleanor felt all consuming fear fill her. Would these men force her? Was she once again going to be taken against her will and used up? She couldn't go through that again.. it would kill her.

"What do you want us to do with her?" one of the men asked, his voice thick.

"I'm going to see whether or not she has her virginity." Casey voice replied, through Eleanor could not see the woman. All she saw was the dirty shirt of the man keeping her quiet. "That will affect her price."

Eleanor began to fight. She bucked and kicked for all she was worth. Rough hands closed around her legs, spreading them apart and holding them there. She felt another set of hands begin to pull down her underclothes.

A sudden knock on the door had everything stopping. "I thought you said Willa wouldn't be here until early morning?" Casey hissed.

"That's what they told me," one of the men replied.

The knock came again. "Eleanor, are you in there?"

Eleanor squeezed her eyes shut tight as a tear fell down her cheek. She silently urged Preston to go away. She didn't want the boy hurt...

"That sounded like a boy," Casey stated, pushing Eleanor's underclothes back up. "I might have use for a boy. Jake, take the woman in the corner and keep her quiet there. Horace, you stand next to the door ready to grab the little bastard. I'll answer the door."

Eleanor was helpless as she was dragged into the corner by the much larger and stronger man. She watched Casey walked to the door and pull it open.

"Who are you?" Preston asked, the boy so small and so pale as he shoved his glasses up on his nose.

"I'm Eleanor's friend. My name is Casey."

"I've never heard her talk about you," Preston countered.

"Come in then. Eleanor and I were sewing together."

Preston stepped into the room, his eyes fell on Eleanor being held tight. He opened his mouth to yell but Horace's heavy fist fell on his head and the boy dropped to the ground unconscious.

Horace dragged him further into the room as Casey closed the door. "Tiny. Pale. Weak. Yes, I know a man who love to have this boy."

Horace pulled Preston up and held him in his arms. His eyes were hungry as they roamed over him. "I'd love to have this boy."

Casey waved her hand. "I'm sure we could work that out. You deserve a treat after all you do for me."

Eleanor nearly vomited against Jake's hand. They couldn't touch Preston that way! Somehow Eleanor had to save him!

Casey sighed. "There's no time for anything now, though. We don't know when someone will come looking for the boy. Tie them both up and we'll slip out the back. Darkness is beginning to fall."

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now