Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

The next week was honestly the best of Eleanor's life. Her every day was filled with Willa. Willa holding her hand. Willa putting a proud arm around her waist when they stood near one another. Willa kissing her cheek tenderly.

Eleanor wanted more of Willa and she was sure Willa wanted more of her but the fear was still there. Eleanor wondered if she would ever be able to give Willa more..... Would Willa get tired of waiting?

At least the family hadn't given them any trouble at all. If anything, they had all welcomed Willa with open arms and hadn't questioned the budding relationship between the two at all. They encouraged Eleanor to go out riding with Willa, to take walks with her, to give up many of her self-placed duties around the house to spend more time with the other woman.

When she had felt guilty over her lack of cooking and cleaning, Jeb had ensured her that he and Gill had managed just fine before she'd come along, and while they loved having her there, they would continue to manage as she went about having a life of her own.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" Willa's voice asked just as the woman's arms slid around her from behind and pulled her close. Willa's chin rested on Eleanor's shoulder and Eleanor trembled as she sank deeper into Willa's embrace.

"Life. The future."

"And does that future include me?"

Eleanor turned her face slightly so she could look in Willa's eyes. "You know it does."

Willa smiled brightly. Her lips brushed against Eleanor's cheek. "Good." She gave Eleanor a gentle squeeze. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something that concerns our future."

Eleanor looked over the corral they were beside and frowned. "What?"

"Don't look so worried. It's good news, I think. You know I'm healing. I'm not ready to be doing backflips just yet but I'm too healthy to be sitting around here all day—even though I rather enjoy sitting around with you." Her lips danced over Eleanor's neck causing her knees to go weak and her to sway a bit. "I went to town with Craig the other day to pick up some things and while I was there, I stopped at the saloon. I start a new job tomorrow night. I'll be the blackjack dealer at the Lucky Eight Saloon."

Eleanor's stomach twisted a bit. "You got a job in town?"

"Of course. I gotta make some money somehow. I used to make enough money to get by performing in shows and such but I don't want to be traveling with those anymore. I kinda like being right here."

She swallowed hard. "Okay."

Now it was Willa's turn to sound a bit less than sure. "There's one more thing...." Eleanor didn't say a word, simply waited for her to continue. "The job pays good. I'll get to keep thirty percent of the winnings each night plus a ten dollar a month salary. And it even comes with room and board at the hotel."

Her heart fell. "You're leaving the ranch?"

"Well yeah, but...."

Eleanor pulled out of her arms. She had known this would happen. Willa was healing and she was leaving. Eleanor should have known better than to give so much of her heart to the roaming woman.

She'd been completely content in her life alone before Willa had come! Why had she let the woman disrupt that?

Eleanor rushed for the house with Willa calling out behind her. Eleanor ignored it. She dashed past Gill and Jeb in the kitchen, raced up the ladder to the loft and curled up upon her bed, with her knees in her chest trying hard to hold off the tears that wanted to fall. Eleanor had lived her whole life alone... she wouldn't cry over losing Willa.

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now