Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Eleanor walked to the barn that evening with her stomach tied in knots. Her hands shook as she carried her sack of medical supplies. She had no doubts now that Willa felt the things she felt and that terrified her. Could Eleanor open up? Could she let another person that close to her?

And what about the physical side of things? After what she'd been through, could Eleanor allow another person to touch her that way?

She hated feeling so conflicted. Somehow Willa's presence gave her peace and threw her into turmoil all at the same time. How was that even possible?

Eleanor knocked on Willa's door. "Come on in."

Stepping inside, Eleanor's breath was taken at just how beautiful Willa was. She had gone to the river and washed up. Her freckled cheeks were glowing, and her brown hair hung in light waves around her face. And, as always, she lit up when her eyes fell on Eleanor.

"Hey Ellie. You uh..." her face reddened a bit. "You look real pretty."

Eleanor's shaking hands worsened and the bag slipped from her hand as her face reddened. She stammered a bit as she stooped to pick it back up. "Th..thank you..." She finally said as she pulled her shawl tighter.

Willa's expression was amused. "You're welcome."

"I came to change your bandage."

Willa nodded. "I figured you did." Once again she turned a bit and raised the back of her shirt.

Eleanor felt that quickening of her pulse as her fingertips touched Willa's warm skin. She pulled the bandage away to find it clear of blood. A look at the wound showed that the skin was healed together, still red and tender, but no longer open or at risk of infection.

"You're healing well," she stated. "I'll be able to remove your stitches completely in a few days."

"Reckon the doc would clear me to ride a horse?"

Eleanor placed a new bandage over the wound and cleaned her mess. "As long as you take it easy, I don't see a problem with it." She smiled as Willa turned around to face her. "But leave the trick riding to Preston."

"That boys pretty good."

"You are all he talked about all night last night. You've made a good impression on the boy."

"He's a good kid," Willa stated. "And he's pretty damn good on a pony."

Eleanor shifted her feet. "He says you're going to help him learn more tricks."

Willa nodded and leaned against the wall. "The best I can with this damn bullet hole. Damn that Harvey Dougal."

Eleanor wrapped her arms tight around herself. "Just be glad you were a better shot than he was."

Willa winked. "Of course I am."

"Does that mean you're going to stay for the fair?"

Their eyes met. "Do you want me to stay?"

"Yes." Eleanor's cheeks flushed as she realized she had just answered that far too quickly. "I.. I what you want to do."

"Then I reckon I'll stick around."

"Good... That will make Preston happy."

Again, Willa seemed amused. "Yeah. Preston."

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now