Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

To say that she was nervous would certainly be an understatement. Eleanor had never been a risk taker. She'd always preferred a quiet solitary life. That had been before Willa. Meeting Willa had led to her wanting a quiet life with Willa. But that wasn't what she was going to get. There was nothing quiet or solitary about Willa. She was a woman who was used to being visible and grabbing attention. If Eleanor wanted a future with her, Eleanor was going to have to change and that was a terrifying thought.

Could she? Could she become a woman who lived without such fear? Or would she simply rot of boredom in a hotel room until Willa grew tired of her and was gone?

There was only one way to know for sure. Willa said that she loved her. Eleanor simply had to have hope that it was true.

She stepped out of the cabin with her small bag of belongings and her eyes immediately found Willa. The woman stood proud as can be next to two saddled horses. The dapple gray that Willa had been shot over and one of Jeb and Gill's brown mares that was a favorite of Eleanor's.

"Give me that," Zachariah's gruff voice grumbled as he grabbed the bag of belongings from Eleanor.

Eleanor pulled her shawl tight and looked up at her brother. His face was unreadable and he seemed determined to not meet her gaze. "I have to go, Zachariah. Don't be angry at me."

"I'm not angry, dammit."

"Then what is it?"

He cleared his throat roughly. "I wasn't a good brother to you. I let you grow up in that place and then I stuck you in a house by yourself. Because of me those men...."

Eleanor shivered and laid her hand on his thick arm. "Stop. I have never said you were a bad brother and I have never blamed you for anything."

"Because you're a good person," Zachariah insisted gruffly. "Too good." 

"Thank you."

He grunted and rubbed at the back of his neck. "I have a good life with Wyatt and I'm happy. I want you to have the same."

Eleanor knew her brother was uncomfortable. He had always had trouble sharing feelings or seeming too open. Eleanor knew his life hadn't been any easier than hers had been.

Zachariah cleared his throat again. "If Willa can give you that I want you to take it. She seems decent and she seems to care about you."

Eleanor's gaze once again went to Willa who was now watching her with concern. She smiled up at her grumbling brother. "She is and she does. I care about her too, Zachariah."

He nodded. "If she hurts you, though...."

Eleanor sighed and patted his arm before crossing her arms around herself. "I know. You'll kill her."

He grunted in agreement before heading off the porch with her small bag of belongings. Throwing a threatening glance at Willa, Zachariah secured Eleanor's bag to the brown mare.

"Don't worry, Zachariah. I'll take good care of your sister."

Zachariah grumbled under his breath but then Wyatt was there and Zachariah snaked his arm around the other man's waist and pulled him close. "You should get going. Don't want to be on the road after dark."

Eleanor nodded. She had already bid her farewells to Preston and made the boy promise he would look after Bacon. She knew it wasn't goodbye forever and that she and Willa would make plenty of trips to the ranch, not to mention the trips her family would make into town, but still it was hard. For the last few years the ranch had been her home and she had left it less than a handful of times.

"Come on, Ellie," Willa called as she stood beside Eleanor's brown mare. Eleanor let her help her onto the horse and then watched as Willa's lean, yet feminine body slid up into her own saddle.

Without another word, they turned their horses and headed for town. The ride would have been silent if not for Willa, who began whistling and even singing a tune.

The woman couldn't seem to carry a tune in a bucket but her antics were enough to have Eleanor relaxing in the saddle. When they arrived in town, they put their horses up at the livery and headed for the hotel. Willa had her saddlebags over her shoulder, Eleanor's sack of belongings in one hand and the other arm wrapped around Eleanor's waist, holding the woman close as they walked.

Eleanor glanced in every direction, sure they would offend someone. However, no one seemed to pay much attention at all. She should have known—the men in the family had broken this town in well when it came to seeing things that were unexpected between two people.

They entered the hotel and Willa led Eleanor up to the counter where the clerk stood expectantly. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm the new blackjack dealer at The Lucky Eight. I was told it came with room and board at this hotel."

The clerk nodded. "Yes it does. He pulled a key from the wall behind him and laid it in Willa's palm. "Room 12B. I'm afraid there's only one bed. Would you like another room?" he asked, turning his attention to Eleanor.


"No. No, she'll stay with me," Willa replied, holding her chin up proudly.

"But there is only one bed," the clerk repeated as if fearing Willa hadn't heard him the first time.

Eleanor felt Willa tense. "I heard you the first time. She'll stay with me. Or would listen better to Zachariah? Maybe Jeb and Gill?"

The clerks eyes widened. "Oh! I'm so sorry." He seemed sincere. "I didn't realize you were together. Of course, please enjoy your stay here. The hotel diner starts serving supper at six."

A glance at the clock told Eleanor it was already nearing that time. Willa led her up the stairs to room 12B and opened the door. Eleanor's heart thundered in her chest at the sight of the room.

There was indeed only one bed. The reality of that settled down on her hard. She and Willa would be sharing a bed. Or maybe Eleanor could simply make a bed on the floor....

"Don't be worrying so much," Willa scolded gently as she shut the door behind them. "That's a big bed and plenty of room for both of us."

Eleanor swallowed hard. "Willa..."

Willa sighed as she dropped their belongings in a chair. She came to Eleanor and took both her hands in hers. "Do you love me?"

Eleanor felt color rise in her cheeks. "Yes." Willa's gold flecked eyes sparkled.

"And do you trust me?"

Eleanor nodded.

"Then stop worrying. Beds are for sleepin' and that's all we'll do there until you're ready to do more. Okay?"

Eleanor suddenly felt foolish. Of course Willa wouldn't try to force her into anything. She leaned into Willa and the woman's arms circled around her. "You don't know what you mean to me, lady," Willa whispered against her ear.

Eleanor smiled, laying her head over the tassels on Willa's bright yellow shirt and listening to her heartbeat beneath her ear. "Yes I do."

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now