Chapter 5: Academy Days

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Welcome back my wonderful fans! It's nice to see you all again. Of course, I can't see you, but I can see all the views that appear on my story stats.

This chapter is going to be the last one before we go and get into canon with the graduation. Everything's going to be different while still following the timeline. So expect a lot of surprises along the way, you may love them, hate them, or be completely indifferent.

One thing I forgot to mention last chapter, Ino's not going to be a major Sasuke fangirl. I have redemption plans for her because she doesn't deserve to be weak. Honestly, I like Ino, and it's not because she's a fellow blond. It's because I can tell that she would be better than Sakura if she was training during canon instead of chasing an emo. So she's going to be a better character in this story.

To answer a few reviews that need a public answer:

Guest 1: I don't care if you hate this story just because I bash some characters. It's MY story so I can write it however I want. If I want to bash a character then I will. If you don't like it, then don't be a d*** and rant about it and leave.

Guest 2: I may have made a couple of you confused with my wording of the pairing. But it's a Naruto/Hinata/Fuu pairing. Naruto is NOT bisexual, and he does NOT love himself. It's just a relationship between these three people.

ssgojira: Fuu's going to be introduced in the Chunin Exam arc. I'm crying on the inside because of how long it's going to be till she appears! But good things happen to people who wait.

Now that we're done, let's start this party!

(Konoha-Ten Years After Kyuubi Attack)

It was Naruto's fourth year in the Academy and he was highly bored with it. He honestly thought that he just went to a regular school for civilians half the time with all of these boring subjects. It was killing him on the inside!

Naruto sighed as he looked around the classroom and observed his classmates. He noted how they had all changed in their own way.

Shino didn't really change all that much, except he had gotten taller. Naruto was able to become one of Shino's good friends after he had just brushed a bug off of his shoulder instead of squishing it like most of the other kids. This lead to Shino approaching him and questioning his actions, where Naruto told him that the bug wasn't bothering him so there was no need to crush it. Shino also accepted the fact that Naruto hated wasps, a hatred they deeply shared.

Naruto was able to become a good friend with Choji. He was able to connect with the Akimichi because of their love to eat. Currently, their ramen showdown had them tied at 18 bowls, and they were determined to outdo each other.

Becoming Shikamaru's friend was fairly easy, all he had to do was spend a day with him and do some cloud watching. It also helped that they played a few Shogi games every once in a while. Naruto always fumed when he couldn't beat Shikamaru, which was every time.

Ino also became one of Naruto's friends after a certain incident. The young Yamanaka was being teased about her lack of Taijutsu skill and was on the verge of tears. Naruto, hating to see anyone bullied, stepped in and defended her. After he drove the bullies away the two blonds talked for a while. They found out that they each had a hobby in gardening. Naruto had decided on adding a few flowers in his appartment to make it seem more homey. Ino had offered to give him help once in a while and they become friends after a while.

Kiba...was difficult. Naruto had tried to become his friend, but the Inuzuka didn't want to because of his standing in the class. Naruto was in the middle, but Kiba was towards the bottom, close to the position of the dead last. His pride wouldn't let him accept it and he tried to surpass Naruto everyday, only to fail most of the time. At least Akamaru liked the Uzumaki.

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