Chapter 22: The Secret's Out!

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Ok readers. I don't think anyone want to vote at all so I think we can just go on with the story. No more by this author until the poll requirements are met.

Alright! Time to finish Round 1 of the Chunin Exams! Are you guys excited?

So, I got only a couple responses to my Naruto/FF:XIV story, and they were positive, so I'm going to write it one day. Hopefully it will be a successful one like this one has been.

So! A lot of you liked last chapter, especially with Hinata beating Neji. I'll admit, I thought that I didn't do that well of a job with that fight, so I am relieved that you all thought differently.

I think that I should put up how well this story's been doing, just because I am so proud of how great it's going due to all of your support.

Words: 142,311
Chapters: 21
Reviews: 951
Followers: 1,718
Favorites: 1,479
Communities: 30
Views since creation: 292,627

Okay! Review Time!

Krazyfanfiction1: Yes he'll be able to use the skeleton, but he won't get that until the Training Trip. I'm planning on giving him Version 2 after the arc that will replace the Tsunade Arc.

ZyiareHellsing: Uh, I don't think that will work. I'm pretty sure that he would die if his brain was separated from the rest of his body. Besides, I don't want to risk it and get flamed later.

Cjhoax: Nope.

King Harpo: I was already planning something like that, but not during the fight with Shukaku. I was thinking of doing it during the Land of Sea Arc.

devo342: Just some basic knowledge of FF:XIV, though a little knowledge of the rest of the series wouldn't hurt.

EndlessChains: You make it seem like a villain can't remember his past and stay evil at the same time.

fray100: Nope.

jiongu-naruto: He's getting the Susanoo in the distant future my friend.

seeker of the whispering eye: He still had the fur coat, but I don't think that it would have helped him due to the fact that Shino's kunai hit the Melody Arm right as it was passing Dosu's head. A shield will not protect you if the grenade is right in front of it.

roboguy45: Don't worry, she'll go to Konoha before I'm finished with Part 1. I think that Hashirama wanted to try and make the villages equal in power or something like that.

Guest: Don't worry, I have it all figured out. Just because he didn't become a Toad Summoner doesn't mean that he can't learn Sage Mode. We have Snakes with their own Sage Mode, and Hashirama with his own personal Sage Mode. The Toads don't own teaching rights!

Guest 2: Nobody's dying during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission. Well, nobody who's going to bring the emo back that is.

Good news is that I survived Midterms, now all I have to do is hope that I did well. Especially considering the fact that one of my teachers might mess things up. She said that all we had to do was make a slide show about how we would plan a wedding or special event, then she lets us know on the LAST DAY that we have to do a written part.

Now let's get started!

(Chunin Exams Stadium-Medical Wing)

Neji sighed as he tried to get some feeling back into his body. Hinata's last attack really did a number on him. He knew that the Sixty-four Palms was painful from what he had seen, but he didn't think that it was THIS painful!

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