Chapter 32: The Land of Whirlpools

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And we're back! It's time for another chapter in this wonderful story, so everyone get ready, cause this is gonna be GOOD.

But first...some public announcements.

I'm so sorry for the long hiatus, there have been a lot of personal issues happening lately that just left me in some serious depression. I had no drive to write and I came close to just breaking entirely to be honest. I'm slowly getting better, but I can't promise anything right now. I just didn't want to write while I was going through the motions, I tried writing this chapter, but I just couldn't put any feeling into it.

I'm lucky to have friends that care about me enough to help. Cherish those who stick by you in those dark moments, they'll be your friends for life.

Review Time!

Kingdom Rider92: Well to be fair, Kurenai and Asuma aren't as skilled as the other two at this point in time I think. And there won't be any killing of Sasuke right now, I have some drama planned for him.

Nightshadegirl: He hopes that there is some ancient Uzumaki voodoo magic or something like that. The difference between what happened here and in canon was that in canon, his arms had their "souls" taken, and here his chakra coils were destroyed, so the Transfer Jutsu might work better in this universe.

Guest: Oh I have plans for the doll...just wait and see. *Insert evil laugh here*

Roboguy45: He'd rather get the Sharingan first so he can copy all non-bloodline Jutsu.

GodSwampThing: Yeah, I'm planning to turn away from the bashing. Maybe to something more...mild.

Ilireanwri: Karin has been laying low for a while till they're sure that Kusa has forgotten her. I wanted to bring in zabuza and Haku, but I felt that it would be to expected.

wolf(Guest): Not forgetting about her at all, I just don't have any roles for her in this segment of the story.

Okay, that's all for today, time to get this show on the road!

Let the party begin!

(Shukuba Town)

"So let me get this straight," Naruto began as he stared at the two criminals in front of him. "You want me to go with you, two notorious missing ninjas, right?"

"Well well, looks like he's a smart one," Kisame remarked with a large grin on his face.

"Yes," Itachi said as he locked his gaze with the young Chuunin in front of him.

Naruto put a hand on his chin. "Yeah...let me think about tha-no," he said as he slammed the door in front of them.

Kisame blinked owlishly at the door before turning to his partner. "Did he just slam the door on us?" Kisame asked. Itachi said nothing as he looked on stoically. Kisame pulled out his sword and got ready to bust down the door.

Next to him, Itachi's eyes widened and he dove to the side. Kisame noticed a second later and dove to the side too, just as the door exploded and a torrent of fire flowed outward.

"What the Hell!?" Kisame shouted as he quickly got up.

"Damnit, I missed," Naruto muttered as he peaked his head out, seeing that both shinobi were okay, with Kisame slightly singed for being slower to evade.

Kisame lunged at him with his sword raised, ready to chop off an arm or leg. Naruto raised his arms in front of him, his threads quickly reacting and sliding out to block the sword. Kisame's eyes widened in surprise at seeing the same technique that another member of his organization possessed. He moved his head to the side as a tendril shot at him before ripping his sword away and trying to kick Naruto. He blocked it with his threads, but the force of it sent him back.

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