Chapter 19: Great Discoveries

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I hope all of you had a good Thanksgiving, and had some good food to go along with it. I know I enjoyed my food.

So, we're getting close to the Invasion and the poll is getting a lot of attention. You guys must really like my ideas since I've gotten over 100 votes. I didn't think any of those choices might be that good.

Now I need to answer a few reviews, personally because I got to many at once and couldn't PM them all:

Leaf Ranger: Don't worry, he's not going to be crippled for to long. He'll be better a good while before the Sasuke Retrieval Mission.

Kamil the Awesome: No ChoKaru moments. To me, I just don't see how Kishimoto even thought about that pairing. It just doesn't make sense to me. I might do something else for Choji if I can think of it. Also, thanks for the compliment.

Krazyfanfiction1: The Summons do go with the Jiongu, just not in the way you're thinking of.

Umbra. Venator: It's a part of Naruto, of course people are going to want it! Unfortunately I have no friends in Japan,so I can't badger them. Besides, whenever I do badger someone, it usually ends with me getting punched in the face.

YamiChaos27: You'll be surprised. I'll give them an alternate ending...with my fists!

Gensuru: I did use his the Forest of Death. Please, Hinata's different in this story, so the fight WILL be very different. Like I said last chapter, I didn't want to change to much of it, and I was trying to keep the Preliminaries different, but I couldn't change two of the matches. Sasuke's because he needed a legitimate reason to be taken out and have his seal...sealed, and Lee's fight because it was very developing to his character. For Naruto's and Hinata's kids, we don't know if they have the Byakugan or not, because we've never seen the results of Hyuga + Non-Hyuga, all we've seen is the results of Hyuga + Hyuga. So the only way we would really know is during the mini-series that's coming.

Ryuujin96: I'm thinking of having them spar in the future.

SubSidium: Uh...sorry?

Dragon Man 180: Don't worry, he will. You know, I was going to do that, thanks for reminding me.

King Harpo: Well, women do rule over us. Nobody likes to have an angry women after them. Why? Because it can be very harmful to our health. And I don't like to hit women, unless they're playing hockey in which case I have free reign. Also, would you like a nice, calm Kushina who would make you breakfast? Or an angry Kushina who would go Kyuubi on your ass?

EndlessChains: I'm seeing that the Kushina KI moments are getting a lot of positive feedback, so it's going to be a continuous thing.

304'sMan: I am a male. It's on my profile. It says, Gender: Male.

Avatar 101: I'm not dising them, I just had to gloat. Reasons for gloating will be revealed at the bottom of the chapter during a very rare Author's Rant.

Ratatosk The Divine Demon: First off, I'm going to ignore the fact that you said that NaruHina was 'blasphemy' and speak peacefully. I am a fan of other pairings involving Naruto and another girl, but NaruHina is my #1! And the movie I'm talking about is Naruto: The Last.

KiLo Nam nAm: The NaruHinaFuu will come through a very delicate plan. I just hope I can get it to work right. It's gonna happen before the Sasuke Retrieval Mission.

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