Chapter 7: Teams Are Made

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How's everyone doing? You all have a happy 4th of July? I know I did, especially since I had a small hotdog eating contest with my cousins. Ahh, delicious meat.

Anyway, now we're going to be forming the teams, and there's going to be a lot of changes that I thing, are very necessary, and should have been made in canon. But then again, if canon didn't go the way it did, then there would have been a different storyline, and that's what I'm going to be doing, changing what needs to be changed.

Explanations for the changes that are going to be shown this chapter will be explained at the bottom when we're done.

A shoutout to Dragon Man 180 for being my 100th reviewer for this story. Thank you for your support!

Now please sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.


For the second time in his life, Naruto was early to the Academy, and for good reasons this time too. Today was the day that he would be assigned to a team to begin their careers as shinobi of Konoha. He hoped and prayed that he would be put on a team with his friends, and with a sensei that liked him.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Hinata looking at him with concern in her eyes.

"A-are you okay N-Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked.

Naruto smiled and said, "Don't worry Hinata-chan, I was just thinking about what teams we were going to be on."

"I really h-hope that we're on t-t-the same team," Hinata said with a blush on her face.

"Me too, I really hope that neither of us are paired with the teme and banshee, that would suck!"

"I can hear you, you baka!" Sakura screeched as she gave a glare at Naruto. "And Sasuke-kun is not a 'teme'! He's the most wonderful person in the world!"

"Hmm? Did you hear something Hinata-chan? Kiba? Shikamaru? How about you Choji? Or you Shino?" Naruto asked.

"You say something Naruto?" Kiba asked as he pulled out the earplugs that were in his and Akamaru's ears.

"Zzzz," Shikamaru slept through the whole thing.

Choji swallowed his chips and said, "I didn't hear anything."

"I thought I heard something Naruto-san, but I then realized that it was just hot air being blown through the room, Shino said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and started at Shino with wide eyes.

"D-did Shino just make a joke?" Kiba asked.

Shino frowned and said, "I am trying to become more social with all of my friends. Did I say something wrong?"

"No no no!" Naruto reassured. "We were just shocked that you made a joke. you're usually a quiet person so it was a shock to us."

"I see, perhaps I should become more social with everyone before I start creating jokes. That seems like the most logical thing to do," Shino said.

"Troublesome, there's just so many surprises today," Shikamaru sighed. Hinata then tapped Naruto on the shoulder, causing him to look over.

"I s-saw that there's a-another small b-bump on you coat. D-did you get another h-heart?" she whispered. Luckily, Kiba was in an argument with Ino and couldn't hear her.

"Yeah, I'll tell you all about it later," Naruto said. Hinata nodded and leaned back into her chair.

Just then Iruka walked in with the support of some crutches.

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