Chapter 12: Return

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I'm baaaaaack! Miss me? Why should I ask, of course you guys missed me!

So I've gotten a lot of positive reviews last chapter, from keeping Haku and Zabuza alive, Naruto getting the Sharingan, and from you people being psychic and realizing who was being rescued from Danzo's clutches, at least the woman, most of you guys were way off with who the girl was. I swear, some of you people are able to pick me apart like I'm a frog in the dissection lab.

Anyway, I know some of you, no that's wrong let me fix that. ALL of you want me to have Danzo killed right away, but I can't do that right now because I still need him to stay alive until Shippuden. I need to use him and his ROOT to develop the plot along the way. So please bear with his mummified ass for a long time. If you do I'll make his death Triple M Rated.

Time to answer a few reviews:

Ryuujin96: I know I'm making Hinata look like the damsel in distress, but it's not going to stay like that for to long. She'll get stronger by the Chunin Exams, but not strong enough to beat Neji yet. And Team 8 will face an interesting challenge in the Forest of Death.

thor94: It wasn't the Rikudou Sennin.

Black Shades of Red: You'll see the answer to that last question in the future. More specifically, the Forest of Death.

Gremlin Jack: Danzo kept them alive in case he could find some use for them later on when he had better scientists and the like.

YamiChaos27: Naruto's getting a Wind Heart. He needs a heart in his body at all times, so he can't send out his own heart due to that little fact. Hence, he needs another Wind Heart.

Many of you have said that I shouldn't make Naruto overpowered in this fiction, and I agree with you. However, he's going to be stronger than he was in the series, especially in Part 1. In almost all of his fights, he beats the bad guys at the last second after getting a beating. I can't remember a fight where he just overpowered the enemy that wasn't just a bandit. And he'll be even stronger after the time-skip, but he'll still have trouble with enemies like Orochimaru, Pain, and Obito.

On with the show!

(Gates to Konoha)

"We're back!" Naruto cheered when he saw the giant gates standing proudly before him. It had taken a week for everyone to recover from the whole ordeal in Nami, and two days for them to get to Konoha since there were no civilians slowing them down.

"Shut up Naruto-baka!" Sakura screeched, causing everyone in a five-mile radius to go deaf for a few minutes.

Once her hearing came back, Kurenai stormed up to Sakura and leveled her with a harsh glare powered by a Genjutsu that made her eyes glow ominously. "Control your voice, you might have attracted some bandits of animals with your yelling," Kurenai ordered. Sakura nodded frantically as she tried to get away from the Genjutsu Mistress. Kiba and Akamaru cringed as a foul odor came from Sakura, and it wasn't the perfume she dunked herself in.

"Got to admit, the place looks more welcoming than Kiri," Zabuza said as he looked at the gates.

"Indeed," Haku nodded, "it also seems better without a small army standing guard."

Zabuza quirked an eyebrow and asked, "Doesn't that make it easier for people to get in then if there aren't any large number of forces to discourage them from attacking?"

"You forget, we have the Hyuga Clan," Kakashi told him. "Their eyes allow them to see any incoming army and warn us ahead of time." Zabuza just nodded and they continued walking.

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